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Everything posted by StassneyHorn

  1. There was a drone convention in Denver a couple days ago and ended up talking to some random Chinese guy at a bar. He had an cool idea for underwater drones that scan your pool constantly like a cleaner and would in theory prevent baby drownings or small dog drownings. Was a great idea, but I literally had to coach him up in how to use Excel ha. Simple payroll functions. you guys ever hear of anything like that?
  2. PPI was out today but I guess giferbating is more fun https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/11/wholesale-prices-rose-just-0point2percent-in-april-less-than-estimate-as-inflation-pressures-ease.html
  3. PPI Report out. Very serious posters say this is the true inflation report. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/11/wholesale-prices-rose-just-0point2percent-in-april-less-than-estimate-as-inflation-pressures-ease.html On an annual basis, the headline PPI increased just 2.3%, down from 2.7% in March and the lowest reading since January 2021.
  4. Inflation rose 4.9% in April from a year ago, less than expectations https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/05/10/cpi-inflation-april-2023.html
  5. @Mullet FreeYou sound poor. Have you tried moving to Mexico?
  6. CPI Report eve PPI report eve eve What are we thinking?
  7. Glad I skipped the first page until now. Some of you don’t deserve your South Texas ranches “Skin color is linked to greater Latino-on-Latino discrimination: About four-in-ten Latinos with darker skin (41%) say they have experienced discrimination or unfair treatment by another Latino, while 25% with lighter skin color say the same. Nativity is linked too. Latinos born in Puerto Rico or in another country are more likely than those born in the 50 U.S. states or the District of Columbia to say they suffered discrimination or unfair treatment by someone who is also Latino (32% vs. 23%). “ https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/05/02/latinos-experience-discrimination-from-other-latinos-about-as-much-as-from-non-latinos/
  8. As much as republicans rail against Joe Biden’s “policies” at the border, the status quo he has been operating under has been title 42 for his entire imperial reign, hasn’t it? So all the bitching from the last 2.5 years about destructive policy has been Trumps policy. They should support him allowing it to come to an end, if they actually disagreed with the status quo that is still currently happening from policies put in place by Trump. I am big brain
  9. Look at what our country is struggling to cope with. Credit @HenryJames
  10. A reminder that State Senator Charles Schwertner sent messages on LinkedIn about how he wanted to fuck a grad student at UT that was his intern. Sent her a dick pic from his cell phone. Got off on the charge cause they couldn’t prove he sent it. then he got a DWI this session.
  11. Rasmussen is showing 51% support Joe Biden. So let’s all fuck in a pile https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/current_events/politics/prez_track_may08
  12. It’s May 2023, so no. Trump will be the R choice again, so no. Did you see the midterms? definitely no.
  13. How many of you are in cloud engineering? I’ve decided to skill up and got Adrian Cantrill’s course to help learn AWS. Currently a Salesforce admin, but looking to possibly transition into a more IaaS- heavy career.
  14. I hope this season makes some of you stop predicting sweeps against 80% of the league like a bunch of jackasses I hate most of you
  15. Jobsgiving Eve. BucKLe up fuckos 200+k NET GAIN probably, some movement on UE rate i wont care about, AND higher wage growth And all that will mean RECESSHUN, RESESSION,RESECCION,RUHSESSHUN
  16. Joe Biden CONDUCTED a coup on the choo-choo conglomerate. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/may/01/railroad-workers-union-win-sick-leave CSX was the first to grant paid sick days to several of its unions and has now granted sick days to 61% of its 17,089 unionized employees. Union officials praised CSX’s new CEO, Joseph Hinrichs, who used to head Ford Motor Company’s automotive division. Union Pacific has granted sick days to 47% of its workers, Norfolk Southern to 46%, and BNSF, the largest freight railroad, to 31%. At those companies, eight to 10 of their 12 unions have reached agreements.
  17. I’m sure the House Sergeant at Arms will get right on this. Right after he’s done messing with the clocks.
  18. Little known fact, known fight enthusiast, Tucker Carlson, has a limited edition Vineyard Vine/Tapout collection.
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