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Certifiably Surly
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Longhorn_Fan68 last won the day on June 28 2022

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34644 Surly 1%

About Longhorn_Fan68

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  1. It seems to me pretty evident how much losing miro affects this team. Hopefully we cab outscore our mistakes tonight
  2. Farts. We seem to be warming up.
  3. Weekend b2b night caps reminiscent of the pacific days. Go Stars!
  4. Hell yeah, man. Hell yeah. Fuck all this noise. We can do so much better. Glad you resurrected this topic.
  5. Can't believe this album turns 20 this year. One of the best front-to-back death metal albums of all time. Complete and perfect, which is why the band never made another.
  6. no quarter, my man. we're way past the time for pleasantries.
  7. oh good, I feel defended already
  8. come on now, why waste the bits and bytes even typing this out?
  9. That's awesome. To be able to be in UK for that show would be magical. Was fortunate enough to see Black Sabbath at Ozzfest when they first reunited back in 97 or 98. Also saw Pantera the year before. Good times.
  10. having paid much closer attention to hockey since covid, the pattern that emerges these days is the cup will be won by someone that has been knocking on the door the last few season. a string of playoff success typically spells a breakthrough. there haven't been many teams that have jumped up and won without getting pretty far in the years preceding. not saying a Jets or a Capitals team might not jump up and win the whole thing, but it's trending toward teams that have been building playoff success for a few years and have been knocking on the door. we shall see!
  11. https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/2025/02/04/proud-boys-trademark-owned-black-church-washington-dc/78214759007/
  12. that oughtta do it!
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