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Certifiably Surly
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Longhorn_Fan68 last won the day on June 28 2022

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32035 Surly 1%

About Longhorn_Fan68

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  1. ngl, I teared up a bit. pretty cool seeing metal center stage and done so amazingly. I loved everything about it. well done
  2. If you missed it or don't plan to watch the replay
  3. yo, is this a real fucking headline? I know it's OHSC. I put it in here bc where else do you put it?
  4. at this point I don't think JD can unfuck that couch. lol
  5. lol, do they really think the majority of americans see either of those as a negative? jfc
  6. he's great but I'm also sitting here in Austin realizing what we DON'T have in this state
  7. that's just good ole capitalism, baby! Woohoo! USA! USA! *pew pew pew*
  8. yeah, I could get behind this guy (and really, anyone they choose)
  9. flood all channels. leave no media source untapped. hit the ham radio, carrier pigeon, and morse code enthusiasts. flood the goddamn zone Kamala! LFG!
  10. why? the sooner he leaves this plane the better off we will all be
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