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Fudge Nuggets

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  1. My 14 year old daughter had no idea what it was. I guess she's old too.
  2. That and the GQP's best strategist is sitting in the Danbury Federal Correction Institution for another three months because he couldn't bother to take the 5th. He decided to delay, delay, delay his sentencing as long as possible and now is going to be behind bars during the most crucial stretch. Oh darn.
  3. He won't be asked about what Vance said. That would require a journalist with basic journo skills. Those guys and gals don't get access to dotard.
  4. God damnit, I got fed up when everyone and their dog started carrying the torch and went to take a leak and missed the damn balloon thing. I thought that was just another part of the production value and not the official lighting. Fuck me.
  5. I mean the ceremony was cool af, but for fucks sake get on with it.
  6. They need to have some Olympic standard running time for torch carriers. This is going to take all day.
  7. We don’t need no water, let the mother fucker burn.
  8. Froggies going all in on the tennis stuff.
  9. We about to get a prime 1990s Chicago Bulls starting lineup intro?
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