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Prepuce of Doom

Certifiably Surly
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Prepuce of Doom last won the day on November 15 2020

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  1. Just curious about the level of intrusion from others - did you and your crew also just drink freely from any random house's hose if the need arose? Or was that a bridge too far? I can't conceive of today's kids just rolling up to a stranger's house, turning on the hose, drinking, turning it off, and moving on. Same goes for just wantonly cutting through yards - front, back, side, fenced - didn't fucking matter sometimes. Launching (and losing, and searching for) model rockets just gave us carte blanche to go whenever the hell we wanted, but there were other times when I would cut straight through a block for no other reason than my own convenience.
  2. Posted previously somewhere in this thread, but kangaroos have a knife on the end of their feet and could kick your guts onto your roof if they so desired.
  3. Not a criminal lawyer, but yes. And your thumbprint or face ID to unlock isn't protected by the 4th Amendment either, only a password is, so make sure you manually lock out any biometric unlocking feature before LEO encounters.
  4. I've been tempted to take my E63 wagon up to RoadAmerica, but if I do it, I will probably wait until close-ish to when I'm planning to get new tires anyway.
  5. Plate of shrimp
  6. Same with this guy. Can't swing a dead cat without hitting his wide, omnipresent face. I guess he's Druski.
  7. "Umbrella Butt Genie Extortion" could be one of the @YGIFS 's band names.
  8. I ended up here because of some Thujone thread that went viral. I love it here. I am an Illinois fan, but despite never having knowingly met any of you in real life, you all are my people. There has never been - and never will be - an analogous online community of Illinois fans for a thousand reasons, not the least of which is that most of us seem to hate the rest us. I will get Doomlet on board in 5-6 years. He'll love it here, too.
  9. Based on the picture I received today, his Chromebook was not confiscated.
  10. These McConaughey Salesforce AI commercials don't make any fucking sense whatsoever. The restaurant doesn't use AI and so therefore he's seated outside in the rain, and the waiter also brings him unsolicited shrimp? And he's obliged to try on clothes he doesn't like? That weird little twitch he does at the end? All this shit seems like outcomes more likely to occur through the use of (and unquestioned reliance upon) AI than the opposite. Separately, I'm already tired of his Ditka/Bears/Bears/Bears commercial, and I'm pretty sure it premiered yesterday.
  11. This anti-swearing crusade enrages me. Primitive fucking zealots.
  12. People who try to get out of jury duty shouldn't get to complain about other juries' verdicts, but they do...
  13. This may well be the last of these I post if he gets his school Chromebook taken away...
  14. Finally tuning in because fuck Peacock in the goatass.
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