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  1. There is nothing to scratch our heads about. Back in the 1920s they were much better than us. Before the 1930s football in Texas was subpar and the evidence for that is clear whenever you see Texas schools playing the big midwest and east coast powers back in that era. Which is why A&M's fake national titles from that era are such jokes. They would have lost 50-0 if they had played a real team.
  2. Yes. It was Poona Ford in that infamous 2015 Oklahoma State game. Nine years and a meaningless loss by a bad team and we are still pissed off about it. That is how much bullshit it was.
  3. I haven't seen a clipping called in over 30 years I don't think. I thought that sometime in the 1990s it got renamed "illegal block in the back"
  4. It just means "fuck you Texas". And we are going to get it in the stands all game, every game, against everybody. It only gets annoying if the opposing team and coaches are allowed to do that and our team cannot retaliate without drawing an unsportsmanlike conduct flag. And if both teams going "fuck you" in various forms throughout the game isn't taunting an opponent I am not sure what is. But hey I don't make the rules. Just make it clear what we and our team are allowed to do when the other team does "horns down" and fine we can live with that. The previous situation where they can do that freely but anything we do in response may or may not give us a 15 yard penalty on some arbitrary basis is not acceptable.
  5. Well at least he is no longer representing UT's hometown newspaper anymore.
  6. Didn't this fucker retire?
  7. Why? We are months away from election day. In the short term attention span theatre of this century that is an eternity to unite behind a candidate. And Biden is very replaceable. There is no cult of Biden that needs to be eased. The priority is getting the best candidate to beat Trump. We haven't even had the convention yet. And Biden should never have run for re-election. We should have worked through the Primary process to find the right candidate. But hey, still plenty of time. In Britain and France the whole election is just a few weeks. We can do the same. The election was already being delivered to Trump's hands. The priority should be keeping Trump out of the White House, not keeping Biden in it.
  8. Well the Big 12 was brand new, we didn't force anything to move. As for forcing the SEC to do things, well I hope this vast power does us more good than Sark and Texas based media members having to travel a shorter distance. Nobody cares about money besides Texas. For everybody else it has always been about the pure love of the game.
  9. The idea that somehow the one state and small school dominated SWC would have made it as a power conference past the 1990s if it weren't for Texas is incredibly stupid. I mean if the PAC 12 wasn't viable in this ridiculous cutthroat era, the SWC wasn't going to make it. Likewise, pretty sure the Big 10 and the SEC were going to be poaching the second tier conference's schools whether Texas was in them or not. Unless they think the ACC also has Texas in it somehow. Like everything that has happened to the entire country in sports the past fifty years was somehow all masterminded by Texas, despite the fact we are almost always a step behind and reacting to what other people are doing with the very possible exception of the LHN.
  10. LOL "Generation of Aggies" Aggies are considered fully adult by age 11.
  11. And boy did they laugh at us during that search. Only for Pierce to do better than Rob Childress but, you know, it was a bad look for us.
  12. Really? Because Augie spent some time talking to me and my father once they returned to DFF after the 2009 CWS. But maybe he just didn't like little kids.
  13. Wait wait A&M is trying to steal another school's coach? Isn't that illegal and toxic? Maybe DBU fans should sue them.
  14. Yeah it would be really nice to have a fresh face who can at least distance himself a bit from the inflation issue. Even though blaming the President for whatever the current state of the economy is, is so stupid. A legacy of Bill Clinton.
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