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aggie08 last won the day on August 27 2023

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  1. Seriously, that has to be the saddest, most pathetic "music" video I've ever seen.
  2. Are you, are you okay? Do I need to call someone?
  3. Sick burn? God damn at least be entertaining with your insanity.
  4. Cool. I'll take my chances with the side not using a dumb shit like Trump to set the table for an evangelical theocracy.
  5. "You guys are all obedient sheep." "Here's some bullshit from TMZ and alt-right garbage from another country that proves it." The lack of self awareness is always so staggering.
  6. How do people like you function? Honestly? Don't you have world ending conspiracies to peddle or some shit?
  7. Oh no, she doesn't have Montel Williams support!! You fucking loser.
  8. And he didn't completely abandon his home state for the duration of his term to make all the media circuits?? What a DINO.
  9. No one gives a shit that you don't like her. But you should probably do a little better job at articulating (there's that word again) why you think she isn't smart if that's your go-to criticism. In comparison to what? The general public? Other politicians? Or only the truly noteworthy ones like Obama?
  10. "Former" (with no possibility of ever winning public office again) is the key word in front of Mr. Duncan. There aren't more coming from anyone with skin in the game.
  11. I'll eat your literal hat if Florida goes blue. They're taking everybody's most MAGA semi-successful neighbors. Well, all the ones who don't stop in Texas that is.
  12. I think this is the most frustrating part about the MAGA grifters. I don't think--and you have personal knowledge--that Ritchie is a bad guy. Just a dude trying to stay relevant. But so many are willing to completely debase their dignity and decency to make a buck off of Donald fucking Trump's back.
  13. She took her mom's car. I'm guessing they only searched his. I guess him thinking quickly was to sanitize her house (having no idea what "his wife" did or didn't touch), find some rope, and try to frame a guy in prison. Makes sense. 3 of the 4 members of the family were at her house that night. One of them went twice. Maybe time to put an alert on the garage door opening. The biggest stretch was the jury coming back with not guilty, especially that quickly. He got his ass kicked in court and was the only logical suspect.
  14. Who is doing this? God damn you people fight with ghosts.
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