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aggie08 last won the day on November 6 2024

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  1. Even before AD's injury, this post makes zero sense. If the Mavs have the 2nd best roster in the West right now, they had an even better roster 9 days ago.
  2. I mean, too fucking bad?
  3. Rex vs. ztexjas is the battle to the death that I never knew that I always wanted.
  4. So if the Lakers when the title this year--and they're rolling right now, even without Luka--Dallas HAS to fire everyone the next day, right? That's non-recoverable.
  5. Counterpoint: Ben Simmons has been destined to play for the Clippers at least once in his career (and probably multiple times) since the day he was born.
  6. Also, if you don't think that every school named after some Confederate fuck and every statue isn't going back up in the next 4 years, you haven't been paying attention.
  7. His new schtick since Trump won is a lot crappier and angrier than his Biden presidency schtick.
  8. Ah yes, we need more people who think, "Lulz, saying anonymous racist shit on the internet is hilarious and should be consequence free."
  9. No one is trying to arrest him, you incredibly stupid fuck. Go make similar posts, share them with your boss, and go ahead and let me know how that works out for you.
  10. Do tell, what world is that?
  11. And people who troll online with nakedly racist shit because they think it's really funny should be allowed to keep their employment...why exactly?
  12. Fortune favors the brave.
  13. That's some, uhh, unfortunate timing.
  14. Trump is also master at exactly one thing: flooding the zone. When everything he does seems to be important, then nothing is important. And people understandably tune out. It's impossible to lock him down on any one thing; he and his cohorts are already on to the next lie or corruption. He was constructed in a lab to be the perfect instrument of the right wing info-sphere.
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