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Burnt Ends
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kevwun last won the day on May 10 2018

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  1. I don't think he's being a pussy. It's a shitty injury to have.
  2. Bone bruises can take a really long time to heal. In his case, it might have been better if he had broken his leg instead.
  3. He looks like a Confederate General who got demoted because Lee found out he was fucking a couch during the Battle of Chancelorsville while the men under his command accidentally shot Stonewall Jackson.
  4. Holy fuck, will you two just agree to stop talking about Jake Meyers?
  5. So what you're saying is he's also had sex with a cat?
  6. Donald also probably didn't know that Vance was a couch raping pervert.
  7. Maybe it would be easier to list the inanimate objects and animals that JD Vance hasn't fucked instead.
  8. I'm pretty sure wasting your seed on couches and dolphins is a sin unto the Lord.
  9. The first rule of Cobra Kai is that a Karate riot can and will break out anywhere at anytime.
  10. One of my buddies cooked a HEB point that came cut in half last weekend on his recteq. He said it turned out dry as fuck and he knows what he's doing.
  11. He had a great rookie year and postseason run and has been decent to meh ever since.
  12. I don't remember anyone pulling that shit before. That's a huge red flag for anyone thinking about trading for him.
  13. It's never as tender when you cook it that hot and the fat doesn't render properly.
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