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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by jimmyjazz

  1. Wait, Trump's not a Christian? No way that's true. We have evidence.
  2. Wait, is this proof that the French actually have a sense of humor?
  3. I was asked by the CEO at my former company (which was technically in the "alternative energy" space) to take a meeting with a guy pitching a novel automotive idea. You guessed it, he wanted to put wind turbines on cars to harvest energy and power up a battery pack. I couldn't avoid laughing. I eventually assured him that my team would "take a look at it". For fuck's sake. Trump was probably an early investor.
  4. It's impossible to judge from afar if this is for the better or not. I do worry that an ugly divorce could be the kind of thing to tempt him into old ways, and I say that not as a UT football fan but as someone who has really appreciated how straightforward and humble he has been on the 40 Acres. I know, he's a hypercompetitive guy, we've seen him in the tunnel, but almost all coaches are that. He just doesn't seem to be nearly as much of a dick as most.
  5. Just the lowest form of humanity. If there's a hell, I envision Greg with the Sisyphus sentence, but he's rolling that stone up the mountain in a wheelchair, all the while getting pelted by tree limbs.
  6. As an armchair patriot whose combat experience doesn't extend far beyond Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, The Thin Red Line and The Pacific, I can confidently say that any soldier wounded thusly in battle would fight on and refuse all treatment. Donald Trump will probably award himself the Purple Heart if he regains office.
  7. I'll be honest, more often than not it's the 2 AM joint we go to after a night out. It works for that -- especially the various potato hash dishes. Same niche Katz's used to serve, but obviously a completely different menu.
  8. That dude has some serious wit, and not the kind that goes over the average Joe's head. I'd be cool with him as veep just for the sound bites.
  9. I'm at the point where I think Tapper is not so secretly full-on stupid. He always has that confused look a dog gets when you fake-throw the tennis ball.
  10. Fun Fact Friday, average annual rainfall: Houston 47.8" Seattle 39.3" Portland 36.0"
  11. I mean, it's one thing to cheat on your first wife with the woman who would become your second wife, cheat on her with the woman who would become your third wife, and cheat on her with a porn star, but when a single woman dates a single Montel Williams, that's just too much.
  12. Oh, my bad. (To be clear, it was in the back yard, several feet from the roofline of my back porch. Barely far enough. I had to grab a stick and put it through the lid's handle to put the lid back on.)
  13. Yeah, that's fantastic. Willie was already 40 years old then.
  14. I have one. I almost burned my house down after removing the lid to move something and it became a hellfire-belching dragon. Fuck those things.
  15. Yup, I was on Ben White ~ 8:30 and it was coming down strong. Didn't last long. Lake, please.
  16. WTF? How could "boneless" mean anything other than "lacking bones"? In what world is that a "cooking style" and not a description of the ingredients of the dish (or more specifically, an "ingredient" the dish lacks)? I'm sure some lawyer can explain it to me.
  17. If they put it on their stadium it would read 61-3-33.
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