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Certifiably Surly
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About BrazilHorn

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  1. Follow the loveble losers of Austin High. Their lopsided losses can’t help but make anyone feel better. Also my son plays for them and is a good kid.
  2. I beat my 17yo who was talking similar shit. Heard a diatribe of “this controller is laggy” “i don’t know the coverages” blah blah blah
  3. Just got over this round. This was by far the worst one since I had OG Covid in June 2020. No fever but three solid days of aches/pains and super runny nose/sinus stuff. Sucked. Just in total brain fog for 4 days. This makes four times now I have had this (joys of lots of business travel) and this one was rough.
  4. No shit. Didn’t even notice that was him. I had same thought. It is their wedding day, why throw a bunch of shit at them like this?
  5. Have to edit mine to out. Have covid and feel like hammered dog shit.
  6. We are a couple of months from College’s coming back for fall so will be interesting to see what happens this fall Also with Olympics in Paris
  7. So beautiful. Just feels like universe is back on proper axis. Now step on their throats today.
  8. The only argument people could use not to have Kamala as next batter up is that Biden has a super low approval rating and she is part of that. With that said I just can’t see how you do a bake off here.
  9. Finally sitting down to play and after going through xbox update and having to reconnect WiFi and still haven’t started playing that I do miss the days of just putting a disc in and fucking playing a game.
  10. Apparently the HC is pushing it. He sent a note to kids asking if they liked it (and he was involved in design) and they all said no. It is awful. Just so dumb.
  11. I wish all Texas players and coaches would act like Kurt Bowels was invisible/inaudible and just act like they didn’t even hear a question from his dumb ass.
  12. I am irrationally excited about this upcoming season. Thrilled to have football in 45 days but man am I fired up for Spring!
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