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Saint Tacky

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  1. Tell me more. I had a chain snap a couple of weeks ago and it whipped me across the shin. Nothing was broken, but holy fuck I bled like a stuck pig. Stump is still there.
  2. ^ This. Absolutely. Matt Galante spent countless hours working with Craig Biggio in Kissimmee when he switched to second base. While the rest of the team rushed out to make tee times, Galante and Biggio stayed on one of the back practice fields taking grounders and practicing turning double plays. They would go all afternoon. We'd grab lunch, return to the hotel to write, log tapes, edit stories, and satellite them back to Houston, then hustle back to the facility for the 6 p.m. live shot. More often than not they were wrapping up or had just left.
  3. Be reasonable, huh? This is not the time or the place to perform some kind of a half-assed autopsy on a fish... And I'm not going to stand here and see that thing cut open and see that little Kintner boy spill out all over the dock.
  4. Maybe he's going to hire the OU softball coach to replace Pierce. Improve our baseball program and our softball program at the same time.
  5. Disregard. Tik Tok. They should ban it.
  6. Reports out there that Bruce Willis has passed away or is very close. Don't want to jinx it.
  7. The difference is that OJ wasn't calling the shots. Trump completely derailed his case and his attorneys' screwed up by indulging him. For instance, he insisted on denying the sexual encounter with Stormy Daniels happened whatsoever, and what ensued just hammered home that it was a lie.
  8. The difference is that OJ wasn't calling the shots. Trump completely derailed his case and his attorneys' screwed up by indulging him. For instance, he insisted on denying the sexual encounter with Stormy Daniels happened whatsoever, and what ensued just hammered home that it was a lie. The difference is that OJ wasn't calling the shots. Trump completely derailed his case and his attorneys' screwed up by indulging him. For instance, he insisted on denying the sexual encounter with Stormy Daniels happened whatsoever, and what ensued just hammered home that it was a lie.
  9. Just another reason that we prefer the frozen boundary waters!
  10. On this day in 1974 - 50 years ago! - Two female fans streak nude through the outfield during the seventh-inning stretch. The Cardinals then gave up three runs in the bottom of the seventh and the Astros beat them 4-1.
  11. Timmy, you ever seen a grown man beg?
  12. Well. It’s all over but the crying. My kiddo was capped at Texas, but did get into Univ of Chicago, Purdue, Washington Univ, Ohio State, and A&M. Go figure. Time for her to blaze her own trail.
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