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Certifiably Surly
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elfenix last won the day on November 8 2020

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32172 Surly 1%

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  1. what do you do in the summer when most of the state is in eastern but pretends to still be in central?
  2. watching all these dorks lose their shit about the satanic opening ceremony on twitter has made me want to watch it.
  3. normally i don't watch the opening ceremony but after seeing all these weird dorks lose their shit on twitter it's on.
  4. Tax credit and 50% bigger standard deduction to reduce taxable income, and then a tax rate that is lower after credits and deductions (ex: 50k taxable income $614 lower taxes for head of household vs single, and another $123 lower of married filing jointly).
  5. Exactly which is why putting portals on it is even more "having too much money"
  6. This phantom of a window animation which is now stuck on my screen.
  7. that's literally how the tax system already works. guess he's never bothered working through his own 1040 before. or he's too dumb to understand some of the most simple things about personal income taxes.
  8. doesn't have portal axles so not quite. g-wagon is probably the douchiest car on the road though. respect any that have mud on them but i've never seen one.
  9. how many times have the cats been stolen?
  10. mostly: because they've been fed pure unadulterated bullshit by oil and tobacco companies and religion for as long as anyone can remember and have been conditioned to think that any change at the behest of anyone else is an attack on their way of life.
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