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Certifiably Surly
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Hate last won the day on April 24 2020

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  1. I just got home from vacation since Monday and dumped out 8 inches of rain. I'm sure we has more than that, but that is as much as the gauge can hold.
  2. We just got back from a fantastic 5 days in Cayman. We stayed at The Westin on 7 Mile Beach. We had trips to the turtle farm, stingray city/reef/starfish point, and the bioluminescent kayak tour. All 3 were great, but the turtle farm wasn't quite as exciting to my 15 year old. We did the kayak trip last night and it was fantastic. We had perfect weather and the tour company did a phenomenal job with the tour. We were never bored or tired. The highlight of the trip was just snorkeling of the beach with my son. We saw a nurse shark, sun fish, manta ray, stingray, barracuda, and a turtle within a couple hundred years of the beach. It was fantastic. If we go back there next summer, I am making my son sit though the scuba course so we go can diving. I hadn't been to Cayman in 37 years, so I was amazed at how much it has changed. I really hated seeing the proliferation of chains throughout the island. Christ, they are building a goddam Olive Garden there. That's ridiculous. I couldn't believe how developed Rum Point was. When I first started going, there was only a makeshift wooden building with a bar in it. I wish they could make all the multiple-million dollar homes in that bay keep their lights off. I wish Cayman would start to discourage more growth, but I don't see that happening. Hell, they even have a "highway" there now...I do like the round-abouts though. Cayman is going to look like a mini Miami in the next 10-15 years. That's going to be unfortunate.
  3. The Spurs didn’t sweep the Nets in ‘03. They won in 6 games.
  4. Lebron played in the East most of his career. There is no way he has as many titles or Finals appearances in the west. And if ever there was an asterisk on a title, it’s the 2020 “Covid title”.
  5. Nothing expected to develop for the rest of July.
  6. Goddamnit Eyeore. Are you contractually obligated to piss in everyone’s Cheerios?
  7. This is the first of many that could come through the Hill Country this week. It sure would be nice to get a few more + feet to go into the last bit of summer. There could also be more tropical trouble in August or early September.
  8. This is absolutely one of those guilty pleasure movies for me. If it’s on, I have to stop and watch it. The Fugitive, The Firm, and The Client are like this for me as well.
  9. I was out for 15 days after Ike. Ike sucked.
  10. Models just keep getting more and more aggressive. Please little baby Jesus, let this verify.
  11. It’s times like this that reinforce my decision to leave operations and be a full time IT PM.
  12. I'm not glad she's dead, but I am glad she is out of office.
  13. I was working at the Dell Large Corporate Account helpdesk during the Y2K fiasco. It turned out to be no big deal so I was let go early and had a great New Year.
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