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Everything posted by Guadaloopy

  1. As a lifelong conservative and previously registered Republican until May of 2016, I am EXCITED to vote for Harris/Walz this election even more than I was EXCITED to vote for Biden/Harris in 2020. I was absolutely disgusted that the Republican Party nominated Trump. As soon as he won enough primaries to be mathematically assured of the nomination in 2016, I submitted my registration as an Independent. I hoped that it marked the beginning much needed period of wandering in the desert for the Republican Party. I voted for Gary Johnson in that election. I knew that I personally had no impact on the outcome since I was living in CA at the time. I was shocked and dismayed that Trump actually won the electoral college in 2016. I didn't really despair, because back then I still believed that we had enough checks and balances in place and that there would be enough "adults in the room" to keep him in check. After observing that first year of a Trump presidency, I realized that I was wrong, and I knew we would be fucked if he stuck around for longer than a single term. I became convinced that the Republican party and the conservative movement needed a complete reset to factory settings. They no longer had any guiding principles other than countering and "owning" the left and blindly supporting Trump. There were NO redeeming qualities remaining in the party. In 2020, I happily supported Biden/Harris because the Republicans learned NOTHING and changed NOTHING because they were still riding one fluke win from 2016. They needed a long string of bad losses to send the party back to the drawing board and back to conservative fundamental principles. Then January 6th happened and instead of shaking folks back to their senses, it drove them further into the crazy. I am excited to vote for Harris/Walz because despite my disagreement with some of their policies, they will be light years better for our country's future than if Trump is re-elected and Vance gets a foothold to build a following. The Republicans need to be punished and sent to stand in the corner and think about what they've done for another 8-12 years at least. Even then, I doubt I'll trust them enough to vote Republican ever again. I still don't vote straight party dem, though. I research every candidate. I give their policy positions a skim, but what I really look at are their ads and public statements. If they've ever publicly indicated support for Trump, they get a big "FUCK YOU" from me and their opponent gets my vote. My Dad is an elected official in Texas. If he was up for re-election this cycle and I lived in his district, I would vote against him, too. He might not get the "FUCK YOU", but I have a zero tolerance policy for public supporters of Trump when it comes to my vote.
  2. The first step of the plan has always been to stoke the expectations of the base. It magnifies the outrage when reality doesn't match.
  3. Two hikers get lost in a canyon with no food or water. After a day of rigorous climbing and hiking, with scraped knees, twisted ankles, and raw hands, they find themselves above the rim of the canyon with desert stretching out as far as they can see. For another day, they hike under the most brutal sun that you can imagine, still with no food or water. On the third day, they stumble onto an old deserted highway. They following this highway for hours until off in the distance they see a single building. They use every last bit of energy they can muster to run towards the building as fast as they can and find it to be a Subway sandwich shop. As they stand there in front of the building, gasping for air, tears streaming from the dust-caked corners of their red, raw eyes, one of the hikers turns to the other and struggles to speak with his parched throat and swollen tongue... "You wanna keep going for a couple of miles and see if we can find something else?"
  4. Look... we all know that this thread is and will always remain undefeated. I was just making a general observation about the contrast between the dog and cat factions on the board. My interpretation is this... Dog people (of which I am one) are more in-your-face and attention seeking, and cat folks are cool to just hang around in their own space while not bothering anyone and not being bothered.
  5. I have already forgotten about this baseball season. Way to maintain momentum and excitement with the inflexible playoff schedule, MLB.
  6. Some brilliant marketing there. I can't think of anything more appetizing than a swamp.
  7. I'm not here to yuck anyone's yum. If you love cats, that's great. I just find it fascinating that there is a 6-yr-old thread (dating back to the great migration from the Shag) about the awesomeness of dogs with 187 pages, and there is a 3-yr-old thread about the awesomeness of cats that has - checks notes- two whole pages.
  8. I'm directly behind Vin Scully in the beginning of this video. I know this because George Springer's 11th inning HR went over the wall just below me beneath that Security Benefit sign.
  9. This is too long of a wait. I'm ready for some good old fashioned hate watching.
  10. I have been at some shitty losses when the team had an opportunity to make a statement. '95 Sugar Bowl and 2000 Stanford game come to mind, but neither really compare to this shit show right here ☝️. Such a wasted opportunity. This one doesn't feel like any of the above, because this time we have a real shot at redemption.
  11. Never has there been a more perfect soundtrack for a video. You can almost hear the bat asking "Would you fuck me?"
  12. Guadaloopy

    Getting old sucks

    Going for the shaved dome was one of the best calls I ever made. I bought a head shaver and use it every other day. Takes 2 minutes for an all over close shave. Never have to worry about how my hair looks (fortunately I have a decent looking smooth dome), but do have to remember to always grab a hat if I'll be outside. Once every couple of months I let it go for a few days and book a straight razor shave at the barber shop. It's incredibly relaxing and a nice indulgence from time to time.
  13. I'm shocked - SHOCKED - that: 1. A member of the Jomboy mafia has a shitty, illogical take that completely misses the point of the discussion 2. Helo completely bought into it.
  14. Texas fans are going to have an amazing weekend in Nashville. Kicking myself that I didn't plan to be there this time
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