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Horn of Gabriel

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  1. Finally, FINALLY a game that accurately depicts college football. I for one appreciate having 5 of the top 5 Heisman candidates. I'm 3 games into the season and Trey Moore is a cheat code, I have about 25 sacks with him in 3 games. Looking forward to our 100 point MoV this year, anything less is a disappointment.
  2. If she's on metformin it's 99.999% gonna be Type 2. Which was always going to be anyway considering her age and genetics and the population at large. 9 out of 10 diabetics are Type 2. Type 2 usually presents later in life, and can be managed via diet and lifestyle - sometimes even eliminating the need for drugs, but not always. Type 2 is strongly genetically typed, so your kids will need to look out for it. Certain populations (Native American, Hispanic) are more susceptible. Type 2 you usually still make your own insulin, just your body becomes less and less sensitive to it. Drugs like metformin can increase your sensitivity, as can weight loss and changing your diet. Most Type 2's don't require supplemental exogenous insulin, but those who can't/won't make the lifestyle changes might require it. Type 2 is where the diabeetus memes come from. Type 1 (formerly "juvenile") diabetes typically presents in childhood/teens, but over the past few decades later incidences in life have become more common. I was diagnosed Type 1 at 29 years old, and didn't have symptoms until that year. Type 1 is not strongly genetically typed, my kids have only a ~3% elevated chance of getting it because I have it. They don't know the cause of Type 1, it's an autoimmune condition and theories range from a virus to environmental to stress. Regardless in Type 1 your body attacks your insulin producing cells and kills them off so as someone said upthread you must take exogenous insulin - as I do via an insulin pump. My insulin sensitivity however is fine, I just don't make any.
  3. Same. I do really like how they did the mini games, they're kinda fun and challenging to get gold, especially if you're against Georgia's defense.
  4. Pate is the worst of the college football commentators, except for all the others.
  5. The most unrealistic part of that video is Texas playing @ Tech. That ain't ever happening again.
  6. Barnes always seemed like a bitch but he's got a good skillset fit for the Spurs and Wemby. He is big enough defend, he can hit the three (like 37.x% last year), he has ok vision and playoff experience. What's his contract after the first year to S.A.?
  7. Castle has a good floor with his defense and athleticism. I wonder on his ceiling, I think he can be a starting PG in the NBA and hopefully will really soak it up from Chris Paul this year. His handle is good but he's tall + vertical in his lean and dribbles a bit high, better defenders will rip him. TBH I read him as a good handling SG who could take PG minutes but not the primary ball handler role...but am willing to see where it goes. If he wants to be a true PG and develops that way, awesome. His skillset today to me seems 3 & D + explosive slasher with good vision more than PNR God + primary ball handler. Then again Tony didn't really have the "assist PG" early either he was more of a penetrate to score and then dish to a wide open Duncan and "no-matter-what-don't-turn-over-the-damn-ball" after Pop bashed that into his skull.
  8. I have a friend who is breaking out on her own as a personal trainer after a few years working for the Globogyms. She'd like some help from a lawyer looking at her waiver to make sure her bases are covered. She's in Austin area. Any recommendations?
  9. How do you really feel though? In the context of draft picks vs. a known quantity, Young could be a deal if we got him for the right stuff. Draft is lotto ticket and it's kinda like funding a startup company. Out of 10, 2-3 will bust, 3-4 will be so-so, two will be above average and one will be HOF level. Young is not HOF level but he's between that and "above average." And he's also still young. I wouldn't give two first round picks but a first and two seconds I might think about. I'm guessing that Pop can get some more defensive effort from him, and his ability to beat his man and create chaos in the lane + vision would unlock Wemby more. Add some shooters (much easier to find) to do 3 and D and all the sudden you have a team. It's about chemistry and effort from there. Great Spurs teams of the past 25 years have never been all young guns, it's always been a combo of veteran leadership and young blood. If we're building mostly via draft we get another year of drafting, another year of "learning what works," followed by a year of "now that we know what works let's learn to play together," followed by a year of "let's fine tune the chemistry and find the missing pieces." Pretty soon you look up and Wemby is in year 6-7, he could be getting frustrated as would the fans and you know he'll have people in his ear about NY, LA, Miami, etc. And that's IF there aren't injuries along the way or an uncle that pops up. Whatever, this isn't in my circle of control, and there's so much luck involved as well as everything else - why worry about it? Just enjoy watching a generational talent while he's here and hopefully he turns into something amazing. In the pantheon of basketball fandom I'm playing with house money as a 40 year old Spurs fan at this point.
  10. That's awesome. In reading the thread I'm convinced that if this had all been in-person it would have been settled in 5 minutes over a conversation. Electronic communications are bereft of context and make people do unhinged ragey stuff that they'd never do in person. Giving the prof the benefit of the doubt for half a second, he probably felt pretty stupid walking out of the hearing and if he had any introspection at all realized that this was a tempest in a teapot of largely his own making. Hope he gains that insight. There's bumps in the road for us all, hook 'em.
  11. I had to get a shoulder MRI in January. The place at Cedar Park medical center had an older MRI machine and I didn’t fit. Like sausage in the casing. I’m a broad shouldered guy 240 lbs and they wanted my shoulder dead center in the machine - they even had a jig to hold my shoulder in place. Problem is that only leaves half the normal space for try rest of your body. It just wouldn’t work. I told the guy to pull me out and he said it’s common, they sent me across town where they had a newer machine with a bigger opening that could fit my gigantic girth.
  12. It was good: war really sucks, especially when it's us on us regardless of the politics. Bad people (Plimpton) tend to pop up during war doing bad stuff. War is innocence lost. Mostly I found it as a love poem to war reporters.
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