Damn, this one hurts. Didn't he regularly call or do color for playoff games or other non Brewers games from time to time? I feel like I have distinct memories of hearing him in action but could be a mandela effect after Major League and the commercials. I went down a Ueker/Major League rabbit hole some time ago and saw some interviews where he said most of Major League was scripted but he contributed and some of it is improvised. I always liked the details of his calls in the movie.
"Haywood swings and crushes this one toward South America. Tomlinson is gonna need a visa to catch this one, it is out of here, and there is nothing left but a vapor trail."
"Heywood leads the league in most offensive categories, including nose hair. When this guy sneezes, he looks like a party favor."
"We don't know where Hayes played last year, but I'm sure he did a hell of a job."
"That looked like the Terminator, only slower. Maybe it was the Outta-Stater? Or it could have been the Hibernator... that baby's definitely going away for the winter. However, for Vaughn, it could be See-ya-later; he's probably going to become a Spectator."