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Certifiably Surly
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'stache last won the day on June 21 2020

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  1. What gets me is that Zuck has enough wealth to tell the president and the entire federal government to go fuck itself and win. Bezos too (and what if they collaborated?). But that takes balls, energy, and stamina to stand strong for an extended period of time and flex that big bank account energy. Instead they've taken the easy path by simply licking the orange nuts to completion. That is pure beta cuck bullshit.
  2. ESPN+ articles prediction is Moore. Meh. McCarthy isn't predicted to get any of the other jobs, lol. Fuck him in his fat fucking ass. https://www.espn.com/nfl/insider/story/_/id/43398582/2025-nfl-coach-hire-predictions-candidates-cowboys-bears-jets-saints-raiders-jaguars
  3. Hmm, it's almost like his recent activities might be influenced by this, lol.
  4. Damn, this one hurts. Didn't he regularly call or do color for playoff games or other non Brewers games from time to time? I feel like I have distinct memories of hearing him in action but could be a mandela effect after Major League and the commercials. I went down a Ueker/Major League rabbit hole some time ago and saw some interviews where he said most of Major League was scripted but he contributed and some of it is improvised. I always liked the details of his calls in the movie. "Haywood swings and crushes this one toward South America. Tomlinson is gonna need a visa to catch this one, it is out of here, and there is nothing left but a vapor trail." "Heywood leads the league in most offensive categories, including nose hair. When this guy sneezes, he looks like a party favor." "We don't know where Hayes played last year, but I'm sure he did a hell of a job." "That looked like the Terminator, only slower. Maybe it was the Outta-Stater? Or it could have been the Hibernator... that baby's definitely going away for the winter. However, for Vaughn, it could be See-ya-later; he's probably going to become a Spectator."
  5. Nothing says insecure beta more than always crowing about alpha masculinity. Manliness is indeed broken but the reasons are completely opposite of the reasoning given by these sad pathetic losers.
  6. Agree 100%, I want one of the new young up and comers, but I don't see them even considering working for Jerruh. Deion doesn't have the experience I'd like to see but anything new or different is better than the same old shit.
  7. I'm for anything different at this point. Another white bread old fuck aint gonna change anything.
  8. I'm working on a project involving the Camp Fire and have seen documentation of insurance checks going out within days of homes being destroyed and in healthy amounts to get through immediate needs. My guess is that is what is expected here, setting aside that some insurance companies are better than others.
  9. I don’t consider Saleh as a bad option. Nobody could win in that ckusterfuck of an organization and with Rodgers at the his peak of his broken ass brain.
  10. Damn, really looking forward to that. I'm so bad with movie memory, gonna need to find a comprehensive recap of the Netflix series.
  11. It would be worth it just to see reporters ask Deion question post game, then Jerry chimes in, reporters nod along, and go right back to Deion. Make that old fuck realize nobody gives a shit about your old ass thoughts.
  12. I’m legitimately curious how teams can enforce bans like this. You don’t need proof of identity to purchase a ticket, it’s not like ticket scanners can spot people who’ve been banned, and the person can just change their hair or wear hats and sunglasses. Only thing I can think of is if another fan saw the article, recognizes them, and turns them in, which seems like a huge long shot. And considering it’s Philly, they’d probably be getting selfies with him and buying him beer, because they are collectively pure trash.
  13. Lol, at least Slorch pretended to be surprised by the politicization, and now comes Incredulity staning for the “fire no stop ‘cause DEI crowd.” So predictably pathetic.
  14. I think somebody exists out there who could make it work but no way to know who it is and almost no chance of it actually happening. For example, Joe Brady would be a great hire, but he's the type of young innovative coach who has a bright future and knows better than to answer the phone for Jerry fucking Jones.
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