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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 'stache

  1. Booby McTitface and Titty Mcboobface.
  2. We have the players to win games, it’ll be just enough for Fat Mike to fuck either barely miss the playoffs or fuck up round one again and keep his job because nobody worth a shit will work for Jerry.
  3. Of course it was shrapnel. What are the enormous odds of a bullet hitting only the very top part of an ear? And the most famous bullet of the last 40 years does just that? I never believed it was the fucking magic bullet.
  4. It is my understanding that J.D. Vance has never denied that J.D. Vance fucked 5 couches as a hillbilly.
  5. I mean, they definitely drinks 64 ounce Big Gulps of Mountain Dew for breakfast every morning, but he didn’t mention it in the post.
  6. I recently learned the term "tradwife" short for "traditional wife" but referring specifically to the cunty, judgmental, usually evangelical, hateful right wing bigot who love being subservient to their husbands and pumping out 6 kids named Hadyn, Jadyn, Paiden, Kaiden, and Brayden. There out there in droves. The polls on women and who they support is really super depressing to me. The only hope is for the younger generation to actually vote against that bullshit. I really hope the Swifties follow through.
  7. I can help you out here. They’re racists.
  8. When the dems lower insulin costs can we exclude these fat cunts?
  9. Holy shit! You, of all people, using this issue, of all things, to accuse others of being "triggered?" God damn . . .
  10. I really, really, really hope they eventually have to issue a formal denial of this, will be fucking hilarious!
  11. I can’t photoshop but I’m surprised this hasn’t made the rounds with JDs face. Maybe it has, I googled, but maybe it’s outside the algorithm, lol.
  12. Pete will get his day. This election is too important to test how far we have truly come with how “the middle” perceives gay people. The fact that the republicans still hammer it tells me it’s still a big problem for lots of people.
  13. Better response is that he's a liar, so you have to know that he's lying.
  14. Vance speaks magalese perfectly and is supported by a maga billionaire. He’s not going anywhere.
  15. She's definitely a lot better at this than four years ago. I'm in (already was obviously, but yeah, in).
  16. She better move up in the next few weeks. Just disgusting how hard it is for any democrat in this country to affect polls.
  17. Is RFK's appeal strictly to anti-vaxxers? Makes sense that they would switch to trump, but I'm struggling to understand how 2% support RFK and would vote Harris if he's out of the race. Who are these people?
  18. So RFK is taking more votes from trump? Sounds like it's good if he stays in the race, right?
  19. There won't be enough managers for each of them to speak to.
  20. I thought he already put in motion moving MJ off of schedule 1 to be done before November.
  21. It will. Half this country’s citizens are irredeemable deplorable trash.
  22. Kamala is the top of the ticket. If the "uncommitted" were really going to stay home for Biden and let Trump turn their homeland into glass, they aren't changing their mind for Kamala, who is going to hold the same position, or even if she's a little harsher on Israel, she isn't going to stop arms sales.
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