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Thatguy last won the day on October 22 2020

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  1. Yeah, Kendrick is terrible right? Meanwhile none of those dudes you guys mentioned are still rapping. Maybe you are just have a bad taste of rap music? Oops! I think Kendrick just won another grammy.
  2. People who don't understand the references don't understand the talent.
  3. Giving that site clicks should be the last thing any of us do. Causing musk economic pain should be the goal for everyone. Bury anything he is associated with.
  4. Imagine calling people who don't condone racism as "Hive-minded" lol.
  5. Being a open racist is not acceptable. Simple as that. Imagine this dude in a work setting trying to handle a diverse workforce.
  6. This is how we got where we are
  7. I'm Black so.........
  8. This is dead balls on accurate.
  9. Army Brat is Elvish. He gets his ears clipped to blend in.
  10. Truth. Before moving here from LA we used to see famous people all the time and nobody cared except TMZ.
  11. They always do. The spine of humanity.
  12. Yes he did! And more than that to say "for a generation" showed how much foresight he had, and how much he understood the pulse of the American people. No disrespect meant when I say this but I didn't truly realize the depth of the sense of entitlement by White America until recently. The average White American male feels like no one is more qualified than them and can't fathom a world where a minority deserves/accomplishes anything more than they do. Right wing white women are somewhere clapping about getting rid of DEI not understanding they are the number one demographic receiving benefits. They think DEI means black people. We are like last on the list of beneficiaries of DEI. Every other group is a bunch of savages. Every other group has a lower IQ. People keep saying Dems need better messaging but how do you beat that messaging?
  13. Naw buddy. This was all set in motion in 1964. As soon as the coloreds began receiving equal rights we were always going to be here. Politicians correctly identified they could rob the population blind as long as they promised to do something about those damned colored folk. Every R pres and even a couple D's have ran that playbook and here we are. Still at it.
  14. Not just the economy that's crumbling sir.
  15. Again, you are judging this based on what you are looking for out of life and not what THEY are looking for. For example, Elon has all the money he could ever want and cannot buy cool and acceptance, and he desperately wants to be cool and accepted. He even paid guys to play a video game for him so that he could be ranked number one in the world and that backfired on him too. He cannot buy what comes naturally to me and you. Trump will fail at what he wants to be just like Elon, and in their efforts to reach their goals they are going to bring down both their empires. Financially they will be ok, but that's not what failure looks like for them.
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