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Cosimo de' Medici

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Posts posted by Cosimo de' Medici

  1. I look forward  to a very entertaining 2020 watching a trifecta of Democrat meltdown. 

    January - Trump vindicated in senate. Uses as carte blanche in pushing every button on the liberal apocalypse panel. Still getting shit done in the background. 

    May - RBG goes tits up and all hell breaks loose. Nuke option deployed. Heads explode.

    November - The impossible happens AGAIN. Heads explode again after the voters punish the whacko majority in the house. 



    • Fuck You 19
  2. 1 hour ago, Hornius Emeritus said:


    Yeah, screw the unborn taxpayers who are going to have to pay for them. 

    Lol, now you shapeshifters care about future societies carrying the load. Where the fuck was that 09-16?

    The hypocrisy is laughable. 


    ...and no, your mom can carry MY load.

    • Fuck You 27
  3. 10 hours ago, pyrohornIII said:

    Not a single response commented on her race.  In fact it's pretty hard to determine her race.    It did get me to wondering if she is Silk's mother, or Diamond's?

    Your comments have a disparate impact that is indeed racist by lib definition. Read up on it.

    Any minority that is brave enough to fight through the left's web of deceit is immediately shamed. Crabs in a bucket.

    I agree that this lady's comments are crazy and don't make sense, but you imbisciles are criticizing just because one of your intended base has defected. 

    Going back to work now to pay for a good chunk your constituents laziness.

    • Fuck You 31
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