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Posts posted by Facemask

  1. It is illegal for an American politician to solicit assistance from a foreign government to hurt an opposing candidate.
    Are you too stupid to understand that?
    Dumbass, I'm replying to 4th and five when she said:
    "I bet under trump he wouldn’t have been let in. But close the door behind you, right?"

    No, my parents came legally with hardly nothing and kicked ass. In relation to Trump, I didn't care for him until you lunatics went off the deep end.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    • Fuck You 15

    Hey your anti-American piece of shit, none of us believe impeachment will result in his removal from office. It’s the fucking principal of the matter. Trump doesn’t do anything for his constituents, he doesn’t do anything for America, and he doesn’t believe in anything this country stands for. Anybody in a position of power who stands by silently is a disgrace to everything we all believe in.


    TLDR/ go fuck your own face. If you were actually born in this country, go fuck your fathers face and make sure he doesn’t breed another piece of shit like you.

    . Enjoy your circle jerk. Then eat crow once again.


    I was born and raised in Texas. My father is a LEGAL IMMIGRANT. So gfy.






    • Fuck You 12
  3. We are divided because of the Republican party and specifically, Donald J. Trump in office sowing hate and discord.  
    He has to be gotten rid of.  And not impeaching is letting the Republicans continue to get away with everything. 
    You all are pathetic. Don't kill yourselves or others after 2020 Elections.

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    • Fuck You 26
  4. This is set up on a 711 property on 10th and Lamar. The fuckers have a letter from the city saying they have a right to be on it because this little section is city property. When cops were called they were powerless to do anything according to the Franchisee.


    There's trash upon trash left by them near the giant trash bins that costs $450 per month. Bravo 5c648ed9fe31658c0a72c8812dec72f2.jpg


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  5. “Sleeping behavior”.  Fuck that is rich.   For someone who fashions himself a political wonk, you either have no understanding of how public policy incentivizes behavior or you are being intentionally obtuse.   
    He's Greg Casar, no other explanation. Orv this dickweed I saw last night at W 938ac7f1726f7a8c17c677c39354ea77.jpg

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  6. Ummm....he and his ilk (ingraham etc) use the exact sort of dehumanizing buzzwords that are time-honored. We pollute, we’re filth, invaders, a scourge, all that shit.
    There IS no discussion without discussing immigrants (and it ain’t just illegal - see the admin and tucker wanting to sharply limit LEGAL immigration) as something lesser. Policies back that up - kids imprisoned without basic hygiene, etc. That’s how we are discussed by the right. Heaven forbid we push back against the dehumanizing bullshit.
    So no factual based information nor honesty. You hear what you want to hear, not what's being said.

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  7. Look at you three. It’s like you just discovered hobo jungles. So now you don’t want them in the woods?

    Please call Todd and Donn so they can make your mind up for you.
    Just like Casar and the merry band of morons make up your mind.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

  8. I’m downtown all the time. It’s exactly like it has been for years. A bunch of people just found out.
    Welcome to Austin, Crash.
    You're a lying POS. Where in Downtown do you go? Surely away from the ARCH area and old 6th which is an infested shithole.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

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