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Posts posted by bmore

  1. 6 hours ago, GW Hayduke said:

    Congress is getting all of the report. It’s just a matter of when. Dems aren’t in a hurry.

    The GOP either rips the bandaid off now or prolonges while showing the public they are hiding information, which only builds it up more and more. 

    The only questions in my mind is how long it takes for Congress to get the full report and then how much of the report will be released to the public.

    Politics is a game

    This guy politics 

    100% agree

    • Like 1
  2. 46 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    I say she's a bit of a bonehead, and if it's true she married her brother to gain entry to the US, then she shouldn't be here, and illustrates the kinds of things wrong with our immigration system.  

    If it's also true she refuses to assimilate (as has been reported, and I don't now to what extent of assimilation she was refusing) then why is she here or an elected gov't official for that matter?

    ISIS is an enemy of the US, and they don't deserve any more compassion than a dry cell, 3 meals a day, and humane treatment typical of any other prisoner incarcerated in the federal prison system.

    Interesting points, did you see them on your facebook feed? Or an email forward? Why would someone marry their brother, when the sibling relationship has virtually the same priority to become a US citizen as a husband? But of course you are just asking questions... 

    If its true Onboard 2.0 is actually an inbred virginia racist who has alienated everyone in his actual life so he hangs out on a Longhorn message board, his presence here illustrates the kinds of things wrong with the internet fan-based message boards. 

    If it is also true that Onboard has no ties, or even interest in Texas sports, and only came here because he was upset his second (or third?) tier university VCU can't hold on to a beloved basketball coach [you can have him back btw], then seriously why is he here? 


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    • Fuck You 2
  3. 10 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

    what.  we aren't cursed we have a shitty coach.

    I am not talking this year, or really even the last few years. I am talking since we had the misfortune to play Syracuse and Melo in 2003. Then Tyrus Thomas and Big Baby playing out of their mind for LSU, the Durant team should have at least made Sweet 16... Derrick Rose v DJ Augustine in Houston, etc.. these are just the highest profile losses. 

  4. 14 hours ago, HtownHorn said:

    More on Ms. Leland Keyser

    1) A lifelong friend of Dr. Ford

    2) Once married to Bob Beckel

    Ford should just recant her story now, even her lifelong friend isn't supporting her. Of course, even if she did recant her story, every lib on this thread would still believe Kavanaugh assaulted her.

    "The Washington Post reported late Saturday that it had talked to Keyser, who told the paper she believed Ford's allegation."

    I get the feeling some of you would have no qualms lying about remembering being at a party to help your friend... it therefore blows your mind that someone can believe Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Ford at a party they were at, and also have no memory being there because it was an unremarkable party (for them at least) 30something years ago. 


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