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Posts posted by crony

  1. I really liked this show, and still do, but I always hated the part where Deborah gave the misogynistic piece of shit 1.69 million dollars to never perform again. I mean seriously? Shit if that happens, I assume dozens of pieces of shit, comedians and non comedians, would show up at her shows looking for a payday, or at least disrupt the shit out of things. Not to mention an asshole gets rewarded for fucked up behavior. Just seemed like the writer's room was like' "Eh fuck it, let's make this piece of shit a millionaire and move on, because she can't stop them all!"

  2. This was Toranaga's thoughts on Blackthorne from the book.



    So sorry, but so necessary, Anjin-san. I saved your life, which you wanted
    even above your ship. Fifty times or more I’ve had to consider giving your life
    away but so far I’ve always managed to avoid it. I hope to continue to do that.
    Why? This is a day for truth, neh? The answer is because you make me laugh
    and I need a friend. I daren’t make friends among my own people, or among the
    Portuguese. Yes, I will whisper it down a well at noon but only when I’m certain
    I’m alone, that I need one friend. And also your knowledge. Mariko-sama was
    right again. Before you go I want to know everything you know. I told you we
    both had plenty of time, you and I.

    I want to know how to navigate a ship around the earth and understand how a
    small island nation can defeat a huge empire. Perhaps the answer could apply to
    us and China, neh? Oh yes, the Taikō was right in some things.
    The first time I saw you, I said, β€œThere’s no excuse for rebellion,” and you
    said, β€œThere’s oneβ€”if you win!” Ah, Anjin-san, I bound you to me then. I agree.
    Everything’s right if you win.
    Stupid to fail. Unforgivable.

    You won’t fail, and you’ll be safe and happy in your large fief at Anjiro,
    where Mura the fisherman will guard you from Christians and continue to feed
    them misinformation as I direct. How naΓ―ve of Tsukku-san to believe one of my
    men, even Christian, would steal your rutters and give them secretly to the
    priests without my knowledge, or my direction. Ah, Mura, you’ve been faithful
    for thirty years or more, soon you’ll get your reward! What would the priests say
    if they knew your real name was Akira Tonomoto, samuraiβ€”spy at my
    direction, as well as fisherman, headman, and Christian? They’d fart dust, neh?
    So don’t worry, Anjin-san, I’m worrying about your future. You’re in good
    strong hands and, ah, what a future I’ve planned for you.


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