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Posts posted by 77horn

    • Army vs. Navy      Don't know why, just always have
    • Alabama vs. Auburn   Mostly because Bama has had such a run.
    • Michigan vs. Ohio State   Very distant relative of Fielding Yost
    • USC vs. Notre Dame   I'm always for the domer's opponent.
    • Florida vs. Georgia   I don't give enough of a shit to want the meteor.
    • Miami vs. Florida State    1991 Cotton Bowl
    • Cal vs. Stanford   I don't give enough of a shit to want the meteor.
    • Oregon vs. Washington    Don't like Oregon's goofy uniforms.
    • Arkansas vs. Texas A&M   I didn't realize they were rivals
    • Mississippi State vs. Ole Miss    I don't give enough of a shit to want the meteor.
  1. On 8/26/2023 at 12:57 PM, Post Oak said:


    I actually met a woman like that a few years back.  She was about 23 and it came out that she was married about 6 months before.  Obligatory, "How did you meet your husband?"  She said she and her husband went to aggy and he was in the corps.  She said she was determined to get herself a corps member and "I did."

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 4
  2. From my experience, it'll take the hospital about 3 weeks to get a bill prepared.  You would think with modern ERP systems, they could tell you what you owe as of yesterday, but no.

    And about the same for all the doctors (surgeon, anesthetist, etc.)  The bill will first be presented to your insurance.  Insurance will review it. They will decide what they'll pay.  They will send you an "Explanation of Benefits".  Each billing entity will then send you a bill for whatever is left that you owe.

    Yeah, it's going to be a few months.

    And don't be surprised to find that the original bill is for, say, $50,000; Insurance says, "as a preferred provider, our contract with you only allows $5,000."  (I mean, like, how can those 2 numbers be for the same scope of work?)

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  3. This is likely a candidate for "worst ghost story", because it's not scary at all, just kind of baffling. It happened to me in Oct 18, 2021.  My wife and I, being retired, take little day trips during the week.  On that Monday we decided to go to McKinney Falls SP.  Had never been there before.

    Got a park map and decided to walk to the "upper" falls.  We parked near the restroom. What I figured to be the trail (it was unmarked) made a "Y" as it came up the hill. One branch led to the restroom and the other to the parking lot. As I waited outside the restroom, I could hear someone coming up the trail.  I decided to ask them when they got there if that was the correct trail. 

    A Woman came into view walking up the hill.  She looked to be mid-30s, slightly pudgy, with brown hair cut in a pageboy style, box shaped face, wearing jeans and a pink polo shirt.

    She took the path to the parking lot, and I took a step in her direction.  She went behind a "bush"

    .... and disappeared.

    Now the bush wasn't leafy; it was mostly stalk about the size of your forearm.  She just went behind it on one side and didn't come out the other.  She didn't leave the trail as she would have been in the bushes, and I would have heard her. She didn't go back down the hill, as I would have seen her.  I looked in the parking lot but there was no one.

    When my wife came out, I had her watch me from where I'd stood as I walked the trail where she'd disappeared.  She could always see me; I was never hidden by the bush.

    The woman didn't look like any of the "ghosts" you see on the videos claiming to prove ghosts exist. Wasn't a black shadow, or misty transparent. She was as solid as anyone you'd see on the street.

    But she just disappeared.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. CSBs--

    #1: The rich kid in Wichita Falls was based on a real person, Bobby Burns.  My mother went to high school with him.  His mother was locally famous for her Christmas display.  To this day, that display is put up on the grounds of Midwestern State University.  His wife killed him and then shot herself.

    #2:  I was in HS in Wichita Falls when the movie came out.  It stirred up a controversy among residents for portraying sex, especially with the schoolteacher.  One of my friends looked at me with a very serious and disgusted face and said, "It's a lie."  I looked at him and said, "John, it's fiction."

    #3:  The actor who played the preacher's son, was a local kid named Barc Doyle.  I went to high school with him, but as he was a couple of years older, I didn't really know him.


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  5. Quote

    but for better or worse, baldwin the actor was not part of the problem.  he should not be checking the gun nor should he be expected to, especially if he's not an experienced gun user. 


    The gun went off when AB was rehearsing a cross draw of the gun while the DP and director were setting up the shot. There was no indication that he was pointing the gun directly at the camera and pulling the trigger.

    I understand that the actor is not expected to ensure the gun is totally safe.  And that AB was practicing a cross draw without any intention of aiming and firing. 

    But it seems to me that any actor who is going to handle a real gun, that will have real ammunition (even blanks) should have a minimum level of safety training.  Like trigger discipline and being able to verify whether the safety is engaged or not.

  6. Been through voir dire probably a dozen times.  Served on 4 juries; 2 criminal, 2 civil.  I've always found it fascinating.  But now I cringe when I watch a movie/TV Courtroom scene. 

    One of the civil trials was just ridiculous.  Woman owned a horse, and want that horse to be trained.  Found a trainer who agree to take that horse's foal as payment.  So Trainer starts training.  Owner gets mad at Trainer and fires her.  Sooooo, did the trainer do enough to have earned the foal.  Jury members all agreed that she had. But the instructions were silent on ownership of the foal.  wtf, right?  Testimony had shown the foal was worth $7000.  Turns out attorney's fees, court and other costs were $19,000.  So the foal was sold to pay.

    Also, once I was called into voir dire on a trial on whether a county jail inmate who had attacked a jailer was competent to stand trail.  The inmate had a look about him that I can only describe as "evil".  Thank God, I wasn't picked for that one.


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  7. Grew up in Wichita Falls.  Neither of my parents went to college, so there was not affiliation there.  First recollection was hearing about how Roger Staubach and Navy would kill Texas.  Being a Texan I was glad they didn't.  Next recollection was beating Joe Willie and 'Bama in the Orange Bowl.  By then I was hooked. 

    My high school had a playoff game against Abilene Cooper the Saturday of the Game of the Century.  Riding all the way to Lubbock(?) on a cold, snowy day. Listening to the radio how Texas was down 14-0 . Got to the stadium, and they were playing the radio broadcast over the PA.  We all jumped for joy when Texas won.  Jumped for joy again when my high school advanced in the playoffs after a tie game.  We had more first downs than Cooper, so we advanced.  Won the state championship that year.

    I enrolled in the fall of '73.  Sports Illustrated picked Texas to win the MNC.  That came crashing down in Miami, when the Hurricanes upset us in game 1.  I was at Earl Campbell's 1st home game.  I didn't know anything about him, but when he came in, one of the guys with us said, "He's supposed to be pretty good."

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