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Posts posted by Spindletop

  1. 5 hours ago, Dbeasy said:

    Elko was on the Ticket. He wasn’t bad. He talked about going to Penn and whether to go into coaching or investment banking. That was interesting. He’s no dummy, despite the fact he looks like one. A lot of talk about blue collar and how there’s too much focus on stars. It will be fascinating to see how A&M does this year. 

    We had a coach who was a member of Mensa. Under him we won a national championship sucked ass.

    I expect the same for A&M. Except, our version of sucking ass is 8-4 while theirs is 77-0.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Reese Bennett said:

    I know nothing about Kenny Baker, but I'm betting that Sark and the staff look at "recruiters" differently with NIL. Now, it's not just you, your sleazeball personality, and a bag. Instead, there's a whole support operation behind you providing a major advantage over most schools and allowing you to be genuine in your recruiting efforts. Selling coaching and culture matters more in these days of NIL.

    I also get the impression that Davis was a perfunctory recruiter. If Baker has more energy and is willing, I think we'll see dividends considering everything that is in place to support him.

    I agree with this--I think the biggest differentiator will be development. Since everyone is now up-front about the money, it'll be about who can develop a player into a potential draft pick. Especially as some programs (like Texas) have a larger share of transfers as part of the 85-man roster that are poached from other programs.

  3. NCAA rules don't allow NIL to be used in recruiting? What does that mean? Coaches can't discuss potential NIL payments with prospects?

    What is the "within-the-rules" version of this? The coaching staff tells the NIL groups which players they want, the NIL groups talk to the parents or agent, and the parents/agent relay the NIL offer to the player simultaneously with the scholarship offer?

    Some of this is baffling. Welcome to the NCAA, I suppose.

  4. 9 minutes ago, MirrOlure said:

    I am still trying to process this. I am 57 years old and have enjoyed a lifetime of Aggy incompetence, save and except the Jackie FedEx days and the Johnnie Football blip.

    But their current state is an entire historical legacy of bumbfuckelry all rolled up into a few short weeks.

    Truly amazing….

    Not quite. Elko/Bjork have yet to reach the towering heights of 27-25 and 77-0. I think they can get there.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, satyanash said:

    Gives them time to actually hire defensive coaches and make their sell with the new staff. Signing today was the best-case scenario for us, right now A&M is a headless chicken at its weakest.

    If this season has taught us anything, it's that whenever we think that A&M couldn't get any worse in their stupidity and decision-making process, they prove us wrong.

    Just wait until Elko starts announcing a bunch of Shawn Watson-tier hires.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. 25 minutes ago, ousux said:

    I'm fully aware, none of those 3 will be missed. I just don't want a mass exodus of starters or potential starters like some programs have had. Seeing guys having to take whatever is offered has to help in that regard.

    This isn't going to happen under the current coaching staff. There's a gulf of difference between the culture of our program and say, A&M. Mindset, attitude, all that stuff matters. People who like the work environment they are in, get along with colleagues, and feel they are being fairly compensated don't tend to do a lot of job-hopping. If the work culture is toxic, everyone's looking for the exit. The current, increasingly-professional version of college football won't be any different.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  7. 29 minutes ago, TheAuditor said:

    Slow playing the detailed contract language seems to be an A&M special, given last year's flurry of signings of Jimbo's staff right around or just after the season started.   Could bite them in the ass with Optimus Klein if others come calling and he realizes his health can't take the salt levels of an average Applebee's entrée.  

    This. It's obvious they haven't thought any part of this through. In their excitement surrounding firing Jimbo, their mouths started writing checks their red asses can't cash (see: the Stoops fiasco, keeping Robinson as an interim coach, their slow-motion NIL/roster train wreck, and now this). My guess is they made promises to Elko and Klein around coaching and support staff budget, and now that it's time to fund those promises, the money isn't there. Those promises in turn were based on promises from their big money guys, who are coming up short both on the liquidity and desire front. The Stoops fiasco in particular probably burned some bridges internally.

    They are the college football version of startups raising billion-dollar funding rounds with no bottom-line profit and bloated cost structures. Free money doesn't last forever and their leadership is figuring that out far too late. The phrase "dumpster fire" gets thrown around a lot in CFB but I really can't think of a more poorly-managed program other than perhaps Briles-era Baylor.


    • Hook 'Em 4
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    • Drool 1
  8. 36 minutes ago, Shaggy3.0 said:

    we'll see optimized player valuation for better NIL price discovery.  a player's "value" will fluctuate on every play.

    each player's digital "agent" will negotiate NIL deals in real-time with official university affiliates and systems.

    and we'll see our first college game coached by artificial systems or by fan consensus.  imagine 3rd and 2 on the opponents 21 yard line.  down by 5. 1:20 in the 4th.  the next play is called by fans and our NIL rich players just run the damn ball.


    username checks out

    • Haha 1
  9. 8 hours ago, MoJames said:

    From a bit different standpoint as I haven't watched any videos or claim to understand how these players will be used, I'd rank our moves simply based on names as above average to great.

    Departures - 

    Ayodele Adeoye - too many vowels and the repetition is overplayed here

    Juwan Mitchell - this feels very much like some white writers name for the token black character in their sitcom

    Byron Vaughns - prob my favorite from the outgoing group, had a nice cadence.

    Arrivals - 

    Ray Thorton - I mean, this feels like a name from some defensive player on the 85 bears defense. A bit of a throwback but just screams hard hitter to me

    Ovie Oghoufo - Plenty of vowels here but right off the bat you have a hell of a first name, Ovie Ovie Ovie is a built in chant

    Ben Davis - Of the incoming group, probably the weakest but very solid traditional name

    Devin Richardson - He just sounds fast. Vroom Vroom

    Palaie Gaoteote - I don't have any clue how to say this, but is feels like it belongs to a Roman Soldier

    Banks - No need for a first name, solid solid last name.

    LBX - I don't know who this is but it sounds like we will have a X-Men person on defense, can't hurt.

    Where do I send my $9.95?

  10. 2 hours ago, Eggo said:

    So you feel better about a Manning with no real ties playing at Texas than a kid who committed to Texas and dreamed of being a Longhorn? 

    Chris Simms also committed to Texas. That was considered a long shot at the time.

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