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Posts posted by Tennesseehorn

  1. 7 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    I love Bourdain.  I used to think the way he did.

    But he was wrong.  I know such people.  I'm related to several such people.  We've tried to understand them.  We've tried to listen to them, understand them, and reason with them.  It can't be done.  The Trumpkins do not speak facts, logic, and reason.  They speak only in terms of anger, cruelty, and joy in the suffering of others. 

    They can't be converted -- I'm not even talking about converting them to some other side of the political spectrum; I'm simply talking about converting them to a world of facts and logic.  It can't be done, so trying to do so is an utter and complete waste of time.  100% waste of time.  Effectively ZERO Trumpkins will ever change.  They have tied their entire self-worth - and there ain't much there - to the success of their orange God.  That means that they can never back off of that, because that would admit failure, and deplete the minimal self-worth that they have.  They'd sooner die.  They NEED to see others suffer.  They NEED to revel in cruelty.  They aren't going up.  So others must suffer.

    Time to speak their language.

    And the country will be destroyed because of it.  The cycle can't end.  It can only get faster, and worse.

    Wow, talk about someone living rent -free in your head.  You’ve officially gone off the rails. 

    • Like 1
  2. 36 minutes ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    You're an idiot.

    Okay but that doesn't change the fact that you and your ilk still are hypocrites when it comes to bashing DJT but giving BHO a pass.

    • Like 1
  3. 43 minutes ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    You seem to think I'm a Democrat for some reason... or that I am politically left leaning in some way. You know literally NOTHING about me except that I don't support that puppet. You would be gravely mistaken to make such bold assumptions about anyone, most especially me.

    Nope, you fit right in with those with feigned outrage about DJT and everything he does.  Don’t resist it, embrace it. 

    • Fuck You 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    Anytime human rights violations are committed you're goddamn right I'm outraged I dont care who is the person at the top calling the shots. I dont really give a shit what you think of me, so eabod fuckface.

    Just pointing out your hypocrisy and those other people on the left. 

    BTW mature response which seems to be SOP from those who have little to nothing to say. 

  5. 24 minutes ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    You want to give this pile of dog shit accolades while his administration is openly committing human rights violations by forcibly removing immigrant children from their parents? FUCK no. I don't care where you stand on the immigration issue, this is human trafficking at a governmental level. How anyone in the republican party can be complicit in this is beyond me and can not be allowed to stand.

    I guess you were screaming this SAME thing when the BHO Administration did it.  When you are ARRESTED you are separated in custody. If someone legally in this country with children were arrested and booked for violating the law the same thing happens.  

    Your fake outrage is fake.  

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  6. 6 hours ago, RandomIdoit said:

    I was referring to income tax. I'm assuming that is where this would be funded from. I am not for taxing people more because they make more money. Why punish people for being successful? What about the middle class? How have they "benefited from our system"? 

    Oh-no.  Now you’ve done it.  The progressive/commies/dems/lib mafia will come and shout you down for DARING to disagree with their orthodoxy. 

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  7. 7 minutes ago, RayDog said:

    I fuck beautiful 19 and 20 year old girls. I do groundbreaking physics research. I eat great food and live in a nice western style condo for cheap. I travel to some of the most beautiful beaches and cities in the world. Oh, and I don't work.

    What part of that makes me a loser?

    Oh the irony of that statement. 

    • Fuck You 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, Michael Knight said:

    You're a stupid old man that believes the worst thing that ever happened to America was a black man being elected president and that the 2nd worst thing possible was a woman being elected. You believe this not because your outdated belief system led you to that conclusion but rather because someone else told you those things enough times that you accepted them without any thought.

    Hunter you need to keep off the sauce.  It's truly rotting your brain.

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  9. 4 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

    Yup, nothing like being denied for pre-existing conditions and having many fewer people on health insurance. I will keep saying it until we get a single payer system or I die, it's stunning how many Americans accept that our healthcare system should be ran by for-profit enterprise rather than joining every other first world industrialized nation and truly nationalizing our healthcare.

    Of course, these same folks literally think government should be as small as possible because "fuck you I got mine and I want to be left alone and not think about the truly poor and weak being left to die."

    The sad thing is that you actually believe that tripe you just typed.


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  10. 2 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    I hate to play the hypothetical game, but there would literally be congressional hearings if Obama had done this. 

    No you don't, you fucking love to.

    • Fuck You 5
  11. On 6/8/2018 at 2:42 AM, RayDog said:

    The latest public policy polling (PPP) poll is very interesting. Yes it starts with Cruz over Beto by 6 points, but after educating the respondents about gun safety issues and their positions that closes to 1 point. Admittedly the poll is written in a biased way, but it still clearly shows that gun safety is a winning issue for democrats in Texas. Note that the poll had 50% Trump and 42% Clinton voters which is close to the 52/43 result.

    Ppp poll results

    It clearly shows that this race can be a toss-up once voters learn about the candidate's positions, before considering enthusiasm which is running 63 to 47 nationally favoring Democrats in latest polling.

    Keep hope alive.......................any way possible.

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  12. 9 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Good at projecting American democratic values across the globe and inspiring others to reject the evil of tyranny and oppression.  You want to know why our European allies loved him, that’s why.


    More like apologizing for everything wrong in the world. 

    How about that Arab Spring..................The red line in Syria...................Iran nuclear deal / cash payout.........................

    Yeah BHO received the Nobel Peace Prize based on "potential" .  Boy that sure worked out great, ask the drone "dead".



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  13. 1 hour ago, David Dennison said:

    Yes Really. 


    You obviously have never been to a VA hospital.   People on Medicaid don’t even pay for their healthcare or pay next to nothing. Healthcare costs when through the roof when the government got involved in the mid 1960s.  Medicare is going broke.  



  14. 9 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    Tinhorn came in here and implied McCain was no longer capable of typing his own tweets and then started telling everyone to get jobs or something. He also made a bet with someone that he made 5 times more than anyone else in the thread.

    You are a fool and don’t even have a clue what you are talking about.  McCain is not doing his tweets he has fucking brain cancer.  

    • Fuck You 9
  15. 16 minutes ago, Pods said:

    He's gone from -26 to -22. Looks like he's using a sock to pos rep himself. 

    You act like I give a shit about what any of you think or say.  That fact that you seem to care what my rep is shows me you have no fucking life.  Go to bed children. 

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  16. 1 minute ago, longhornmatt said:

    He is a male prostitute.  He actually made $500,000.05 last year.  I asked him, “Tennessee, I don’t understand.  You’re a phenomenally successful gentleman of the night, the Memphis Men-fister ... who gave you five cents?”  

    He replied, “Every one of them.”

    You children need to go to bed now.  It’s way past your bedtimes.  


    Everyone is an internet millionaire and tough guy.  

    • Fuck You 3
  17. Just now, bolverk said:

    Says the know and proven liar. Both Brisket and I called you out on the old board and showed that - not only were you mistaken/misinformed on topics - but that you willfully lied to the community.  

    You are still a cunt over here. 

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