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Everything posted by Tennesseehorn

  1. Well Texas did lose today do there’s that.
  2. I’m sure that’s false lightweight
  3. I make 5x what your net worth is internet cowboy.
  4. Because I actually earn money and don’t live in my Mothers basement like you do. That’s such an dumbass statement. You probably don’t even have a job.
  5. Hey dickwad sorry if the truth hurts. Do you really think he sits in Twitter writing tweets. If you do you are dumber cunt than I thought
  6. I wonder if he actually wrote or dictated that tweet.
  7. So which part ? The cheap premiums? The low deductibles? The mandatory insurance?
  8. And the government has done such a bang up job with Medicare and Medicaid since the mid 1960s
  9. Sounds a lot like the current dem/progressives/commies/maoists
  10. How about telling us WHY she is worthy of being the Speaker of the House again? She is senile and out of touch with reality.
  11. Frankly with the way the MSM has treated DJT since he was elected POTUS I take ANYTHING they print with a "grain of salt" and need to really, really see what their angle is since it normally will be negative. The main difference with the MSM and BHO/DJT is that with BHO they didn't question ANYTHING and with DJT they questioned EVERYTHING 1000x over and while DJT has has said some outrageous things (not defending everything he says) the MSM goes OUT OF THEIR WAY to trash DJT every chance they get. DJT DS is real and makes BHO DS seem like a seasonal allergy.
  12. So if a journalist publishes classified information that gets people killed or damages this Country other than illegal activity (gray area) they shouldn't be punished or held accountable? The point of the 1st Amendment is protection from the Government interference BUT it isn't "carteblanche" to put people's lives a risk.
  13. Economy(unemployment etc) , trade, stock market, going the right way as a Country. Hell HRC ain't President.
  14. The MSM complaining about damaging American democracy is so ironic considering the damage the MSM has done to journalism in general. Generational damage. I didn't know Time still had a footprint in media or the internet.
  15. Oranges = foreign governments camping on her @clinton.com server vacuuming up all top secret information all due to the “old lady” wanting to avoid FOIA requests due to her selling future access via the Clinton Foundation FIFY
  16. Surrrrrrrre you did. Yeah right.
  17. No fucking way and it wouldn’t even have been close. AT ALL. .
  18. And yet just about everyone wants to come here. Wait, You know what, the USA is horrible no one should come here, it’s bad, bad, bad.
  19. You mean the 30,000 destroyed or "lost" emails and her illegal/unsanctioned/non-governmental server? I guess most people would like to understand the process Comey et.al. went through to exonerate HRC before even doing the interview.
  20. So you think California is doing fine? Based on what? San Fran is a shithole and getting worse. The Medical system is damn near bankrupt. california-housing-crisis-rent-migration-texas
  21. And if that actually happens Texas will be royally fucked. NICE THOUGHT.
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