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Paul Wesley

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Posts posted by Paul Wesley

  1. On 5/29/2024 at 9:47 AM, sidis said:

      u2 undoubtedly past their prime of unforgettable fire, joshua tree, and achtung baby. 

    If the trajectory of Muhammad Ali's career would have mirrored that of U2, he would have defeated Liston, defended his title admirably roughly four times, and then Trevor Berbick would have relentlessly beaten the absolute shit out of him for 37 years.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. On 5/26/2024 at 4:34 PM, Chad Fuck said:

    My first guitar is an 82 LP Custom 

    Mr Fuck wants to rock.  If he makes an average of $25 per lawn mowed, and if he convinces his friend to buy a bass, how many anti-Reagan anthems will he have to write to get the attention of the pretty girl in Algebra II if each song achieves a mean average decibel level of 128?  For the purposes of this word problem, remember that he is still wearing tube socks and he is several years from being old enough to get a tattoo.  

    • Like 6
  3. This state already had law enforcement who was willing to look the other way when dozens of trucks with Trump flags surrounded and harassed a bus carrying Democratic campaign staffers.  

    We also have counties where Republican election officials have resigned purely for fear of being assassinated by these yahoos in their own party.  

    Now we’re signing off on *murder*!!!!!  How crazy is that?   I mean, we had an impartial jury of TEXANS and witnesses and a trial….   And it’s not like there’s some new DNA evidence or a whistleblower reporting prosecutorial misconduct… it’s just, “we’re gonna let the convicted murderer out because we like his politics.”

    … And he’s free to go to Cabelas tomorrow and buy a fucking assault rifle.  


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  4. I think this thread illustrates our idiocracy as well as any other.   Every time I see it bumped, I know there’s gonna be a story or video that’s facepalm-worthy.  

    For example:  a god damn ball coach that doesn’t know anything about anything-  expressing concern to the secretary of defense that we might be offending the sensibilities of the country that targets its neighbors’ civilians with missiles on pretty much a daily basis. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. I was wearing a CBGB shirt in the grocery store yesterday, and an older woman exclaimed, "Oh, I loved going there!"  She then asked me if I'd ever heard of the Fugs (I hadn't) and told me, "I was Tuli's girlfriend then."

    So I've been listening to some Fugs.


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  6. 2 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    The tornado probably didn't help:


    Ha.  I had an insurance policy on an SSL console that was about to make a cross-country trip, and I called the insurers just before it left - just to make sure everything was locked in.  

    No response. 

    I then fired off an email that definitely had a “tone” and probably dropped some “totally unprofessional” comments.  

    A couple days later, a woman replied “terribly sorry for how you were inconvenienced” or something like that, and then explained that the office was like ten feet underwater.  

    Turns out they were in New Jersey and this was a few days after Sandy.  


    “Dear Reddit:  Am I the asshole…”

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  7. 4 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Feel free to google Neurocysticercosis

    Yeah, they make it seem like it’s some deep-in-the-jungle tropical disease, but it’s just a consequence of eating undercooked pork.  You could hop on a discount flight to Cancun and get a tapeworm and a toe by 3 o’clock, dude.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. On 9/25/2023 at 2:16 PM, Nuge said:

    This was a passion project for me and was a great success.  I have a ton of artists reaching out to me to play on the stage.  I'm still trying to build an audience and am only averaging 20-30 people.  I'd like to get it up to 50 so the musicians can make some money.  With everything getting to be so expensive its driving the artists and musicians further out of town.  I'm just doing what I can to help.

    Man, I'm impressed and happy for you.  Obviously, our stressed-out and isolated modern societies need to get back to having these shared, communal experiences.  I've thought of starting something similar in the vein of storytelling - like a "Moth" radio-hour kind of thing, maybe with a musician doing 2 or 3 songs as an icebreaker opening act.  

    Anyway, kudos to you.  

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  9. Apparently the laws regarding acting as an unregistered foreign agent either need much more aggressive prosecution or much longer prison sentences or both… and yes, I understand that he’s a legislator and not a lobbyist, but I’m fucking tired of seeing these stories affecting both chambers of Congress, in lobbying firms, and in the executive branch (Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, many others).

    There doesn’t seem to be enough deterrence from doing treasonous things.  

    I also think presidential pardon powers need a serious overhaul - like if your friends are getting fabulously wealthy from treasonous acts, you don’t get to pardon them.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  10. 3 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I never understood while the LBJ Oval Office is scaled down.  Like, it's 7/8 scale.  Just make it full sized.

    Trivial things that make you surly. 


    19 hours ago, Deej said:

    It ain't the tools, it's the man who uses them. 

    Wait a second.  Are we talking about *practice?*   We talking about PRACTICE, man.  We're talking about practice.

    What are we doing?

    I'm supposed to be the franchise player, but we talking about PRACTICE?

  12. 9 hours ago, G650 said:

    I've been eyeballing these for a hot minute

    I really like it.  To my ears, it sounds like a *slightly* more modern-sounding Vox... i.e. a little more saturation as it breaks up more and more.  It breaks up in a way that doesn't feel genre-specific to me.  Depending on the settings, I think it could be perfectly at home in an alt-country band (Stapleton/Isbell/etc) or as a heavy Brian May thing.  

     If I had one complaint with it, it's that the EQ often feels a bit light on low mids, although that could also be an accurate reflection of the guitars that I'm using.  I haven't recorded with it much, but it occurs to me that the same low mids that I want to bump up with an EQ pedal might be exactly what's carved out by the mix engineer.  

    I could get down to three amps for the rest of my days on earth and be perfectly content:  A Laurel Canyon, a Two Rock Studio Pro 35 (which is the ultimate Swiss army amp, IMO), and a Marshall flavor (either a 65Amps Empire or one of those Marshall 20-watt Plexi-voiced heads).  


  13. I'm a Vox guy.  I have a couple different Vox-style heads including a Matchless Laurel Canyon and a 65Amps London.  

    I also have a China-made AC30 - the 1-speaker version - that has just been gathering dust for the past decade.  So I just sold it online, and before the guy came to pick it up, I plugged it in the other night and ran through it just to make sure it was fully functional.  

    It sounded better than I remembered.  

    • Like 1
  14. 5 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I love Chris Stapleton's tone, and there are similarities across multiple guitars.  Can someone identify these amps from SNL last night?  I think he's driving both rigs, his rhythm guitarist (off on screen left) was standing in front of a couple of combo amps himself.  I assume those were his.  I see a Matchless head driving two small cabinets and a couple of small Fender combos -- any model info out there?


    I think the head on the right is the bass player's Thunderman.  

  15. I just got a targeted ad on social media for a “mini cajon.”

    And it kind of made me happy, in the sense of “Well, obviously you data-sucking corporate bitches don’t know *everything* about me, now do you?”

  16. 7 hours ago, Gil Bang said:

    I fucking hate this relic bullshit.


    this ugly fucking thing is in worse "shape" than my '37 Gibson, which has oh...87 FUCKING YEARS ON THIS PLANET. 

    I fucking hate this shit. 

    Yeah, the "heavy" relic thing seems especially odd.  

    I mean, if you're doing an "artist" model, and you want to copy all the flaws of Malcolm's Gretsch or Eddie's Frankenstrat... I think that's pretty cool.  

    Outside of that...  just beating the hell out of a brand new instrument...


  17. I realize I'm a week or so late, but I just saw the Don Lemon interview.  

    What a thin-skinned little baby.  

    I mean, has Elon done an interview in the last year where the smallest bit of pushback or criticism doesn't cause a toddler-esque pouting tantrum? 

    He just defaults back into self-congratulations and canned-answer platitudes about saving free speech.  Then he runs off to tweet damage-control messages or to attack the interviewer.  He seems utterly incapable of defending his choices (especially around censorship vs enabling racist/offensive content) in any real-time conversations.  

    He should have YEARS of experience articulating a coherent viewpoint around topics that are DEFINITELY going to come up over and over again.  Nope.   

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