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Posts posted by O1E

  1. 12 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

    She has a masters degree in Geophysics.  Even started a PhD, which she put on hiatus.  Is already mid-career in a good paying field.  

    Once a week in the car she'll bring something like this up:

    -You know what, I decided I want to back to school and learn physics.  I want a masters in Physics.  (you already have one..).  But it's not real physics!!!

    -You know what, I want to learn Spanish.  (great, it's about the easiest foreign language, and i can practice it with you).  But I want to do it in a class...

    -You know what, I want to learn how to program.  It's challenging and fun.  (great, this is a skill you dont need formal schooling in... and theres a wealth of terrific self-training material out there... you can start with something like CodeAcademy.com).  No... but that's not real learning.

    This weekend:

    -You know what, I will learn psychology.  (you're batshit crazy [i didnt actually say this]).  I think I'm good at reading people.  I can really help solve their issues.  But I have to start from scratch so I guess Bachelors first, and then..... 


    Well hell, why dont you hold down the job, and I go to Tulane to enroll in basketweaving...


    This is the educated woman version of “It Works” or “Herbalife”. I’m not sure why but it’s almost like they think if your job is hard you need a new career. My wife does this every 3-5 years and then doesn’t get she’s not pulling down 6 figures. It’s maddening. 

  2. At my last duty location we had a trophy case. Pretty typical as far as Army standards, captured weapons, model equipment, unit awards. One thing in particular made me a avoid the hallway it was in like the fucking plague. An 8x10 photo of a little blonde haired boy, wearing a suit bought for the occasion never to be worn again, hugging the flagged draped casket of his father, the pain on his face as visible as these words. I knew the guy in the way you know lots of Soldiers, shared friends, shared duty locations, shared hardships. I was saddened by his loss but considered it part of the job (that happens to other guys).  But the first time I saw that picture it cut through me like a knife. I’ve been out of that unit for years and haven’t laid eyes on that picture in even longer but I can recall every detail as if I was holding it in my hand. Fuck these allergies and fuck the PAO that took that photo. 

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  3. 18 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    I didn’t even think of the Land Cruiser because for some reason I had it in my head that they were $100,000+ but it appears  I am incorrect on the pricing. And they last forever, so I can bang my fat wife in them for years. 

    It’s pretty similar to the LX570. Biggest difference is the front grill and the price. Are the things you dislike on the Lexus not there on the Toyota?

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