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Posts posted by Jakel

  1. On 10/31/2021 at 12:28 AM, ousux said:

    I just typed a really long drunken rant, then erased it all.

    BlowU had to have a bit of luck and the refs to beat us so I still had optimism, but I wrote off this season after Okie Lite, I'll just leave it at that. Sark has 3 years, we should all make it easier on ourselves and just step back for a while, see what happens. I remember talk among some of the olds back in the early 2k's about firing Mack, and hindsight tells us that would have been a huge mistake. Not saying Sark will have anything approaching the same level of success...but he did inherit a soft roster with only a single superstar player, then grabbed another, but that player is a true Freshman with the mistakes that come along with that. The rest of the roster are JAG's who range from average to below average. Year two will tell us a lot about how the Sark era will be remembered. At this point it may be best to stay in the Big12 for '22 and it pains me to say that, but this season is done no matter how you look at it.

    OU figured out their problem at half... and with a injury decimated secondary  And never looked back.  If UT played OU right now you think it's close..?  NFW

  2. Enjoying the hate/suck on this thread.   drunk bear commiserating with debauched UTerus.  UCLA will try anything to win this game....  prolly overlooked cincy because of that....   I expect a game but OU will win this.  I think Antonio Perkins just returned another punt for a TD ......

  3. Cautiously optimistic but OU looked pretty good.  But for those talking about how Kyler only threw 11 passes etc, many of OU’s starters including he and Anderson. Didn’t even play 1 second of the Second half.    OU pretty much destroyed  a decent FAU team .

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