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Greg Davis Apologist

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Posts posted by Greg Davis Apologist

  1. Ángel Hérnandez is retiring. By using the diacritics in his name I gave more effort to respect his name than he gave to respect the game in the last decade.

    Can’t wait for the tribute video
  2. i’m sorry but i can’t get over this.   
    are we over the “Brian Kelly danced like a fool with a recruit!” bullshit?  because i’m coming back with this every time.  
    fuck all hell…gotdamn, bro.  i like you a lot, but fuck that ain’t a serious coach by any stretch. you wear that shit when you’re coming off your 4th National Championship in a row.  only then can you redefine the rules.  
    and right now, if i’m in a recruiting battle with this guy, i blast this pic to every single recruit, look them in the eyes and say “really!?!”

    He looks like a retired matador
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. App state has raised the bar. They announced the student with the best GameDay sign will receive full tuition for this year.

    So many signs dunking on aggy. I’ll be watching for that alone
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  4. My wife (and a bunch her friends) went to high school with his dad. Here’s what he posted on the Facebook thing. 
    We had to meet w/ the Little League doctors after the game ... medical staff pulled Ford out of the game because after he finished catching that inning, they went and evaluated him in the dug out again.  Apparently, they felt due to the ringing that he still had in his ears and him seeing stars (he was honest w/ them), safety protocol says he can't play in the game anymore.  He was pissed!  He did look a bit woozy, but 100% better now.  Doctors are going to test him again @ 8:30am, but said they think there should be no reason why he can't play tomorrow, unless he has an episode overnight.  Ford told me after we were done w/ the doctors, "Dad, I'm playing tomorrow!"

    That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing
  5. I haven't been able to follow the LLWS as closely as I normally do but I noticed tonight that one of the Pearland coaches has dreadlocks. Does anyone know if he was the same guy that managed Pearland in the LLWS about 7 years ago?

    Yeah, they mentioned earlier he brought a team to Williamsport a few years ago. Seems he’s there for additional experience
    • Hook 'Em 2
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