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Posts posted by blackmarketbaby

  1. 10 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Dude. If you can’t write in standard English the trolling just ain’t gonna work. 

    Youre fires my comrade! Take him back out on a hike! 

    Dude. Obviously the trolling works, it got to you. 

    Should there be a sarcastic marker for the rubes?

    • Fuck You 10
  2. 1 minute ago, BrickHorn said:

    There’s a large audience of people who hear this and think “Oh shit, that makes sense and I totally believe Swift Boat John is splitting hurricanes with his doomsday weather ray.”

    Humans are such an overrated species.

     There's also a large audience who think men menstruate so "swift boat john" might be having one and it's sexist.


    • Fuck You 10
  3. 3 hours ago, RayDog said:

    What is that supposed to mean?

    Liberals, moderates and centrist conservatives are among the 60% of the population that support the platform of AOC and Bernie. It is social democracy not socialism.

    No they don't. 

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