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Posts posted by dOUblewide

  1. 3 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    Well, that's all I could afford to buy.  I don't think the issue is what she's gonna do after she get's her January pay check, it's what she's gonna do in December during orientation. I don't think she can just crash on a couch without violating ethics rules.   She doesn't get the MRA until the 116th is sworn in.

    The truth is, most of them are rich, so they just stay in a hotel.  She's not.  She's kind of a unique case, but it illustrates a lot of the problems with our political system.

    she'll have to use savings or credit.

    at least she is young enough she wont have to go through the furniture purge that I had to deal with when I moved here. Try furnishing 4br homes for 15 years and then moving into a 2 br shoebox.  

    • Fuck You 6
  2. 4 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    They can't live here, or they'll lose their jobs for being "out of touch"  Gingrich knocked off a whole pile of D's back in 94 using that. So they usually leave their families back home, take advantage of better public schools (other wise they'd have to move to the VA or MD suburbs or live on a real pricy part of Capitol Hill).  So they have to keep second homes.    For the member's with a wandering eye, that causes all sorts of problems as well.  It's like being on deployment.

    The poorer ones live in their offices, sleep on the fold out.   Even the wealthier ones rent group houses.  Schumer, Durbin, and George Miller rented a house together for years, leasing out the 4th bedroom to various back benchers.  They finally gave it up about 5 years ago when Miller retired.


    It's super fucked up.


    For those busing out the 174K should be enough:  I make more than that pre tax, and I live in Prince George's county.  It's all I can afford.

    I live in Old Town and it's not THAT bad. She could easily live here and take the King St or Ike metro into DC.  

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Johnny, just admit you don’t give a fuck if Kavavaugh assaulted Dr Ford.  Because that would be your position if there was video evidence.

    Will you admit that bypassing the local LE, which actually adjudicates these types of crimes, and going straight to the media and senate committee means that your side cared more about politics than Dr. Ford. 

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  4. 1 minute ago, Brian Fantana said:

    Love the posters on this board that love this religious nut that thinks contraceptives are "abortion-inducing" drugs and cried like a little bitch in public hearings.

    I never really liked Kavanaugh at first. Would have preferred a more libertarian/western type like Gorsuch.  But once the circus started it was easy to pick a side in the fight.  

    • Fuck You 3
  5. 24 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    It's a political win that they were always going to win because they have a majority. I'm just amazed it took them this long to get them to agree on this nominee. That is going to take a toll.

    Dems have slight edge as far as the popularity of their ideas and a significant advantage with demographics.....yet the pubs are the majority party more times than not in recent history. 

    Ever stop and wonder why that is? 

    This Kavanaugh circus is a perfect example. He was going to get confirmed no matter what. But in the process the Dems found a way to enrage the reds across the country and it could lesson the "wave" in november. 

    the dems suck at politics.


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  6. 10 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

    Brett can get confirmed now, but it's a fool's errand.  A legitimate HJC investigation will torch him, permanently.  Fair warning for you ostriches out there.  And I can only imagine that when Mueller and the NYAG make their next round of moves, Brett's cries will be very, very distant.

    great prediction bro......when are we going to see POTUS Hatch as you previously promised? Are we still in the "soon" period lol?

  7. 2 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    If I'm a Dem running against somebody who voted to confirm him, I'd be mighty tempted to prepare political ads with said Senator who voted for BK, alongside video of Trump bragging about grabbing pussy.

    Havent looked it up....but how many dem challengers are running against at-risk pub incumbent senators? 

    I'd think that number would be kinda small. 

  8. So is the committee still voting tomorrow? Full floor vote for when...sunday? 

    Even though Im not the biggest fan of his.......I think having a scorned and vindictive righty on the court for the next 25 years will be fucking awesome. 

    The dems should wrap RBG in some kind of nerf material for the next 2 years. 

    I still think Dr. Ford should file charges in MD though...even though it would make this more of a circus. 

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  9. Dailywire info on Swertnik


    "Roughly a decade ago, Ms. Swetnick was involved in a dispute with her former employer, New York Life Insurance Co., over a sexual-harassment complaint she filed, according to people familiar with the matter," The Wall Street Journalreported late Tuesday. "Representing her in the complaint was the firm run by Debra Katz, the lawyer currently representing Dr. Ford. The company ultimately reached a financial settlement with Ms. Swetnick, the people said."


    A spokesperson for New York Life told The Wall Street Journal that Swetnick worked for the organization for less than two years. The Journal notes that Swetnick did not list her employment at New York Life Insurance on a resume of hers that they reviewed. The Journal adds that a spokeswoman for Katz refused to comment.


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  10. Politico on accuser



    “Right after I broke up with her, she was threatening my family, threatening my wife and threatening to do harm to my baby at that time,” Vinneccy said in a telephone interview with POLITICO. "I know a lot about her.”

    "She’s not credible at all,” he said. “Not at all.”


    “My phone has not stopped since this morning. Everyone is calling,” Vinneccy said.

    Vinneccy, 63, is a registered Democrat, according to Miami-Dade County voting records.


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  11. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    You can.  And your claim should be considered and given due weight.  And if it is credibly determined that you lied and totally made it up, you should face consequences for doing so.

    Your problem is that you are fundamentally equating a claim of  assault for which there is no secondary evidence as inherently false and slanderous.  And you ignore the fact that we KNOW that countless "he said, she said" sexual assaults actually happen.  And that thousands are never reported, or aren't reported until years later (often to a therapist, or something of that sort).

    Nope.  If a woman didn't run to the police station right away, then any accusation after the fact is a made-up lie, and she should be destroyed in public.

    She/he does not have to go to the police station right away. in fact, to receive support services you should never have to.....but if you want to publicly make a claim then yes....you have to use the justice system we have. 

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