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Posts posted by unoriginal

  1. Quote

    The former editor-in-chief of a news website was found with hundreds of images and videos showing child sex abuse, including at least one video he produced himself, prosecutors in western Massachusetts said this week.

    Slade Sohmer, the former editor of The Recount, was arraigned in Southern Berkshire District Court Monday on two counts of possessing child pornography and two counts of dimensions of child pornography, the Berkshire District Attorney's Office said Tuesday.

    The investigation into the East Otis resident was ongoing, with more charges anticipated, prosecutors said, citing the extremely large amount of pornographic material found on devices seized from Sohmer on Oct. 17. That was prompted by a tip received from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

    Investigators uncovered messages on Sohmer's Telegram, an encrypted app, that involved discussions, some in graphic detail, of luring, kidnapping and raping children, prosecutors said.



    Guarantee he did more than just discuss it online.

    • Rage+1 1
  2. On 10/23/2023 at 8:30 AM, PvilleStang said:

    Websites that block copy / pasting passwords into a new account form.  I want to generate a ridiculously hard password that I store.  But alas, I have to type it, so it's just discouraging password complexity.

    Brave browser has a Force Paste option in the right-click menu if you're willing to switch browsers.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    There are no jobs. It’s all a lie. Or shitty service jobs. But basically a lie. Birth death doing way more work than it should. I’m more inclined to trust the payroll company than this (or any) regime. But whatever. Feels more like it’s going to be quarter rations. 

    Down 22K full time jobs
    Up 151K part time jobs
    Up 123K multiple jobholders

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Texzilla58 said:

    Went to Harvard at 16 and the went thru 3 years of MKLtra type mindfuck experiments with a crackpot CIA psych prof. That’s probably where his criminality was seeded. So fucked up.

    It sure is a good thing the CIA didn't figure out how to weaponize that research, and gave up trying in the 70s.

  5. 10 hours ago, 52-80 said:

    That's neither true nor meaningful.  Currency (money) is just a representation of value.  People can create value - we do that all the time.

    US economy suddenly produces a whole lot of goods and services.  Those things get sold (preferably offshore) which generate income.  The tax from them goes into Treasury account.  Treasury now has surplus money to pay off debt interest and principal of expiring bonds, reducing  its overall debt.


    That lending money "creates money" is exactly the point. The idea is that the borrower - be it a private individual or a state entity - uses that capital, pulled from a future date, to do something excessively productive today.  I borrow money to grow an apple farm, I sell apples, i get money to pay you back and keep some for myself.  Both parties win. The operating principal is that the borrowed money is doing something useful, instead of supporting a military base in Cameroon.


    That's also why there's so much focus on GDP, and the slogan 'the stock market is not the economy', because in the end the economy is about building marketable goods and services.  We let capitalism incentivize people to do that activity the best, and the antiwork marx-revivalist braindead goblins, those morons should be shot off into space on a 1-way vessel. 

    It is true. Before the first Federal Reserve Note was issued, zero existed. The USG needs 99 FRNs, so it borrows 99 from the Federal Reserve, with a promise to pay back 100 FRNs. That last FRN doesn't exist until it is loaned into existence, so the USG borrows another 99, and around it goes.

  6. 8 hours ago, washparkhorn said:

    Arch paleo-Republican Bruce Bartlett understands the silliness of the debt ceiling theater. Want to be brighter than 99% of Americans? Read and understand this. Good luck. 




    He fails to mention that the US debt cannot be paid off. The money needed to pay it off must be loaned into existence, thereby creating more debt.

  7. Quote

    Today marks Holodomor Memorial Day, which is a time to remember and commemorate the Ukrainian people who were victims of genocide and famine between 1932 – 1933.



    This genocide was covered up for over 50 years, and many countries still do not recognize it as a genocide. The US and Canada only recently officially recognized it as a genocide (2006 and 2008).

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Like 3
  8. 12 minutes ago, Schulz2.0 said:

    Zinc helps stop viruses from replicating early in infections. Ivermectin is an antiparasitic with no known application for viruses. People are grasping at straws with ivermectin.

    This study indicates there is some benefit from ivermectin.



    Two doses of oral ivermectin (300 μg/kg/dose given 72 hours apart) as chemoprophylaxis among HCWs reduced the risk of COVID-19 infection by 83% in the following month. Safe, effective, and low-cost chemoprophylaxis has relevance in the containment of pandemic alongside vaccine.




    • Fuck You 7
  9. 2 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    Or, here is an idea, if original emails exist on the laptop, why not release those instead of the weird pdf ones? It is all bullshit and anyone selling it or justifying it is selling bullshit. Dude was lying his ass off in the interview, and nothing about the story makes any sense. At any rate, I'm sure Bill Bar is just rushing to refute the President's personal lawyer. Here is my prediction: it'll get slow played and then dropped like everything else (unmasking! greatest scandal ever!). 

    Guliani says he wants to slow roll it so your prediction may be right. The article above claiming fake emails based on some amateur analysis of a pdf is what I was responding to.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    Sure, grab the headers from [checks notes] a pdf print out of an alleged email. Makes sense. Also, expect the justice department ran by [checks notes] Bill Bar to refute a story that the Trump wants to push. This is all very reasonable. 

    The FBI either has the laptop with original emails and headers (not just pdfs) or it doesn't. Those emails can be validated.

    As for FBI refuting DOJ/Pres, it's happened before: FBI chief Wray refutes Barr, says no 'spying' on Trump campaign


  11. 20 hours ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    What caught my eye immediately was the tremendous clarity of the text, when compared to the “VP” gmail icon in the upper right-hand corner. Something appeared to be off, and upon further examination, it was. Look what happens when you zoom into the PDF file (see image below). The text in the file remains crystal clear, yet the gmail icon for “VP” gets extremely pixelated. Even in the un-zoomed version, the icon is blatantly pixelated.



    This is the hallmark of email alterations. There is no reason that the gmail icon should be of a different resolution than the text on the same document, unless of course the icon or the text were photoshopped in.

    But to make matters even more interesting; if you view the “VP” icon, you will also notice that the right side of it is flat, and there is a very light gray color around it which does not match the background of the document. The gray background aligns perfectly with where the would-be circle is abruptly squared off. This confirms that someone used an editing tool to cut this icon out and then paste it onto a new document.


    Pixelization could be due to any number of reasons (innocent or otherwise). Grab the email headers and DKIM them for cryptographic proof of whether they are authentic emails.

    Either the FBI has the emails (and headers) and can validate them, or they don't have them and are choosing not to refute the statement by repair shop guy that they do.


  12. Finished The Forgotten 500 about WW II aircrews going on bombing runs over heavily defended Romanian oil fields. The damaged bombers that couldn't make it back meant their crews were captured, unless they were able to hide with help from the locals. The trapped airmen and the locals came up with a plan to bring in rescue planes without alerting the nearby Germans, while also trying to avoid running afoul of the official policies of the US State Department. Several involved received medals/awards which remained classified for decades after the war ended (for reasons I won't spoil here).

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. 2 hours ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    Microsoft is the devil and Bill Gates is the Anti-Christ.  He won't be satisfied until every person in the world needs his explicit permission to use their own computer.  Fuck him right in his windows goat ass.

    Yep., what Windows wants to do always takes priority over what I want to do. Started making the switch to Linux about a year and a half ago, and changed over completely about 9-10 months ago.

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