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Armin Tamzarian

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Posts posted by Armin Tamzarian

  1. 8 minutes ago, Lhorn said:

    Stop with this horseshit. This is an exploding international pandemic. What do you think the CDC would have done differently had this happened 4 years which would have made us impervious to a virus that some of the most brutally authoritarian countries have not been able to control? You must believe that all international travel should be stopped because short of that, its coming here whether the president is democratic or republican.

    Oh I see, no politics unless it's your side, Roger

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  2. "I would argue that the colossal mismanagement of the Executive branch over the last four years has minimized the efficacy of all government agencies to the point that FEMA, the CDC, and others lack the necessary bureaucratic efficiency necessary to protect the population, because they're constantly undermined by political hacks. It's a big part of the story, whether you like it or not."

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Lhorn said:

    Take your politics back to CR you fucking mongoloids.

    All you fucking pussy ass bitches who think your random politics jabs are ok outside of CR should go fuck yourselves.

    I would argue that the colossal mismanagement of the Executive branch over the last four years has minimized the efficacy of all government agencies to the point that FEMA, the CDC, and others lack the necessary bureaucratic efficiency necessary to protect the population, because they're constantly undermined by political hacks. It's a big part of the story, whether you like it or not.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Bevo said:

    Not only do we not have the capacity, we also have a money problem. The average cost of an ICU day is estimated at US$10,794.00 for the first day and then plateaus at US$3,968/day by the third day, depending on the need for mechanical ventilation. Can you imagine the number of people complaining about their bill?

    yeah it would be fucking wicked if we had a system that didn't require them to send a bill but I guess that ship has sailed, huh

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