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Posts posted by Tellmeaboutit

  1. Oh God! Get up is mediocre @ best, but I just don’t know what else u can do with mild mannered Greeny, basketball driven Jalen & a USED TO BE SEXY BEADLE, who usually doesn’t even take the time to do her hair, now that she has hit the “pinnacle” of ESPN shows. It’s also awkward having 3 Type A’s on 1 show. At least Golic played at being the big dumb jock & let Greeny pilot the show. It worked.

    BUT Golic & Wingo & Golic (jr) are far worse! Wingo is pompous & overrated on EVERY format he appears on.

    As for Jr, how in the hell did they blatantly let this nepotism happen?? I saw it coming I guess, when he first started doing guest appearances about 2 years ago under the deception he was still trying-out to become a lineman. Anyone could see where this was going. Must b nice having a Dad who cannot only get u a job, but a NICE job at the WORLDWIDE LEADER & bypass dozens of far more deserving people who have been toiling away for such an opportunity

  2. LoL McCroskey. Agreed. BTW the only hosts who talked hockey are Steve Levy & the dude who passed away, who did the Sports Reporters (Rest in Peace!). Most shows don’t even attempt it.

    They did F up. Greed will get ya every time. Carter MAY have been okay w Greeny, but he is difficult to watch on Fox, now that he is driving the show. VERY VERY arrogant & constantly talks about how great he was (he was above average only). I only tune in now about once a week. 

    Don’t think there is a way to save it at this point


  3. Oh God! Get up is mediocre @ best, but I just don’t know what else u can do with mild mannered Greeny, basketball driven Jalen & a USES TO BE SEXY BEADLE, who usually doesn’t even take the time to do her hair, now that she has hit the “pinnacle” of ESPN shows.

    BUT Golic & Wingo & Golic (jr) are far worse! How in the hell did they blatantly let this happen. I saw it coming I guess, when he first started doing guest appearances about 2 years ago under the deception he was still trying out to become a lineman. Anyone could see where this was going. Must b nice having a Dad who cannot only get u a job, but a NICE job at the WORLDWIDE LEADER & bypass dozens of far more deserving people who have been toiling away for such an opportunity

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