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Posts posted by Thrawn

  1. State case in federal court? But . . But . . . I have it on good authority from one of the finest legal minds our country has ever known, that the place to decide highly disputed matters of individual liberty is with the states. Surely that fucking guy can't be wrong. Ever. Just ask him.

    • Haha 2
  2. Couldn't have happened to a bigger douche bag. 

    It seems like the milkshake jokes would just write themselves on this one, but damned if I have anything. Kind of the reverse "I drink your milkshake" vibe on this one.

  3. Had the weirdest dream last night. For some reason I was watching the election results in a public area here in OKC.  After Biden was declared the winner I started with the fist pumps and "Fuck Yeahs!". A news person saw me and came up to me to stick a camera in my face. Asked me something then I popped back with "Sic semper tyrannis". "This is how we deal with tyrants in the land of the free!"

    I started getting booed by the magats around me, so I threw out another "Fuck Yeah!" and started flipping everyone the bird and calling them losers. I was obviously very gracious in victory.

    Dream ended there. No idea if I made it out alive. However, if I find my self out in public on election night I already know the script.

    In reality, I plan on making sure I'm sitting on my couch drinking bourbon in victory or defeat.

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  4. Just now, BurntOrange&White said:

    Felons can't be president or vote, right?

    President? Yes. Unfortunately.

    Vote? No. A special thanks to the fuckery of the Florida GOP controlled legislature for ignoring the will of the people (who voted to let felons who have served their time vote).

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  5. 54 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    North Central. At the Ellison, right across from Chesapeake HQ, I think? We’re here for a wedding.
    And we’re actually heading up to the rooftop bar, it’s a nice day.

    That is less than a mile from my house. Right on the edge of the MAGA fuck sticks in Nichols Hills. If you catch the whiff of bourbon and grilled meats later on, that might be me in the backyard watching the thunder game. I will also be the asshole with the fire pit going even if it is hot outside. Just because, you know, fire.

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  6. 12 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    I’m in OKC at the moment. Holy shit, this place is a singularity of MAGA idiocy. Our hotel has stacks of two newspapers out: the WSJ (fine) and…The Epoch Times. Fucking for real.
    The ads for the GQP congressional runoff are competing ads on who can suck Trump’s dick the hardest, and about who will be the most hardcore about protecting Oklahoma from the dirty Mexican horde.
    Oklahoma…still even dumber than Texas.

    I just moved back here recently. It is bad. I happen to live in one of the very few blue areas in the whole fucking state. I actually like our little area right in the middle of OKC. However, the rest of the state can take a flying fuck. Those primary ads between Cole and that douche bag who actually lives in Texas are about to drive me crazy. Between just watching live TV for sports and the weather, I think I see one of those ads at least 20 times a day (some days easily over 50).

  7. 7 minutes ago, Pancho said:


    Small correction. He isn't/wasn't an OKC councilman. He lives in Enid. A very small town about a hundred miles North of OKC. I won't trash it since they just got rid of this asshole, but not surprisingly, Enid isn't exactly a thriving metropolis.

  8. Speaking of Ted, I used to always assume the worst pairs of Senators were wither Cruz/Cornyn or Lankford/Mullin.  Up until last night I had never even heard of Brett.  Now, I'm quite confident in saying that the worst pair has to be Tuberville/Brett. Not even close.  She seems to be horrific, and we all know about coach already. So, congrats Alabama, you are the worst.  Again.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  9. This is so fucking ridiculous. She is literally one of the hottest young females staring in movies currently. So much so, that it makes me feel like an old perv just looking at her,  because she is just too damn young. This is just such a ridiculous notion that she isn't pretty enough, that it makes think this guy has to be trolling. Then I read some of his other posts and it confirmed that he really is just that stupid (IMO). This damn simulation has continued even though it left the rails a long time ago.

  10. 5 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Don't forget that Donald went to Wharton.  #undergrad

    One of the reasons I don't argue with trumptards anymore. 

    Me: He is fucking dumb, and has a vocabulary of an elementary student.

    Them: He went to Wharton. A prestigious grad school in the Ivy League. (Editors note: Yes, it was damn shocking he knew that last part. I assume it was being passed around in the trumptard circles.)

    Me: He has an undergrad degree in business from Penn. Damn fine school, but even they aren't above having rich daddies buy there kids way in.

    Them: Then why would he phrase it like he has a grad degree from Wharton?

    Me: Exactly. Maybe because he is a lying piece of shit?

    Them: No. I'm sure he wouldn't lie about something like that. It would be too easy to disprove.

    Me: <Pulls out phone and googles it. Shows them the results.>

    Them: That can't be right. I don't believe it.


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