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Posts posted by BikeRoute

  1. Radio stations that play edited/shortened/hacked up versions of songs. When I'm listening to 70s on 7 I'm just as anxious as the next guy to hear Muskrat Love but if you're playing Slow Ride before it, dammit, play the whole thing! That goes for Life's Been Good and Long Time as well.

  2. 22 hours ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    But you do get fucked

    The lyrics to Live and Let Die by Paul McCartney drive me nuts.  "But in this ever changing world in which we live in" is just wrong.  It should either be, "But in this ever changing world in which we live", or "But in this ever changing world we live in".  Using "in" twice in that sentence is just stupid.  The classic rock station that I listen to has been playing this a lot lately and every time I hear it i want to punch my radio.

    I have to agree with you. When I hear that song I try to plug in "in which we're living" on top of it and it seems to help me cope a little.

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  3. 6 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Have you considered paying a visit to your ophthalmologist? Sounds like you might need glasses. 

    Admittedly my vision is not what it used to be and I'm overdue for an eye exam. Still, those raisins looked mighty chocolatey!

  4. The other night I was flipping channels and landed on The Bad News Bears. It was then that I experienced a renewed interest in Tatum O'Neal. I mean, she was about 13 at the time but then again, I was 8, so... technically that still makes her an older woman, right? I didn't touch myself or anything but I did enjoy looking at her.

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