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Posts posted by macz

  1. 21 minutes ago, Mez2 said:

    Correa is still hurt but whatever, we don't have Giovanni Mier still in our minor leagues. Yuli's hand is affecting his power, but he's better than AJ Reed.  Tony Kemp is terrible in the outfield, Kyle Tucker is too passive at the plate, seriously, swing a fucking bat. Martin Maldonado has never met a chance to boot into a double play he didn't like, marwin will hit the shit outta fastballs, sometimes, when he's not busy swinging at the in the dirt, or blaming the umpire. Gerrit Cole loves to look dominant until the fourth inning until he walks the first two hitters. Bregs bat is too slow the second half of the year, gattis can't afford batting gloves, lance is too busy playing fortnite, reddick is grieving over the iron sheik's death, Altuve is dead

    "Evil will always triumph because good is dumb"

    I agree...yuli’s hand is still an issue. You know it hurts like hell to swing a bat...well let’s stay positive. His help in the playoffs will be huge with or without his hand being hurt.

  2. Altuve has been with this team a long time...when he is not playing it changes the team chemistry. Gove this new group time to gel, and hopefully when they get on a run, either Altuve will be back or we acquired Josh Donaldson or some other big bat to pick us up a bit.

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  3. 19 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    If I had to guess, they know he's going to need surgery.* I think they are trying to hold him out as long as they possibly can, get him through the post-season and then deal with it.

    I hope he's ready to go by April.

    * Not a doctor.

    I don't think he needs surgery, just being extra cautious. The whole team is banged up. Honestly, I don't think Yuli or Carlos have fully healed their hand injuries...now it's also a back issues for correa. Springer hand injury is more worrisome to me then anything.  Just stay positive, it's never easy task to repeat, but I can assure you, we will make a deep run and that's why they are not rushing Altuve back in anyway. Springer is tough as crap, I know he will make it back soon

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