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suddenly shaggy

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Everything posted by suddenly shaggy

  1. Nebraska "education" on full display. Texas made them stop playing academically unqualified players that couldn't spell cat if you spotted them all three letters. Texas also twisted arms and pulled favors to get Nebraska into the AAU when they were in the Big XII. Sometimes it's funny to think for a second about how their new conference mates immediately stripped them of that undeserved honor, yet mean old Texas is still the bad guy.
  2. Lulz. Living rent free in both sides of your brain.
  3. They don't. They sleep in their coffins during daylight hours.
  4. This thread would be 10 pages long without Dennison trolling and y'all feeding him.
  5. Yes, and the price for standing up to Trump is killing his own career, plus any earning potential once he's out of office, while splintering the GOP with the bulk of it against him. McConnell will never pay that price.
  6. That would be political suicide for themselves and for the GOP. Anyone paying even a modicum of attention to McConnell knows full well what he will choose. Trump will never leave office willingly and McConnell will never stand up to him, or try to force him out.
  7. Correct, GOP and Trump are one entity. There is a zero percent chance the Trumpublicans would remove him, regardless of offense. However, it was the time for Pelosi to go on the offensive and make clear to the rest of the country that the GOP is utterly corrupted and run by criminals and liars. She should have opened impeachment hearings while making clear to the public that McConnell is covering up for Trump and willing to let our foreign enemies win to get more political power. Then said, even though the Senate is utterly failing the country, the House will do their constitutional duty. That makes it a lot harder for the White House to obstruct and prevent witnesses from testifying. Dems fucked up massively and missed the best window they will get.
  8. There is no crime Mitch McConnell cannot and will not ignore. There is no bar too low. The GOP has sold their soul.
  9. I don't know how clearly he'd be able to talk once he shoved all the marbles up his nose.
  10. I'm not sure how much longer that will be true. It's certainly not true on this board. You are the only Pelosi fanboy we've got. The longer Pelosi takes to fulfill her Constitutional duty to launch impeach hearings on Trump, the less support she will have. Her current path is going to massively depress Dem enthusiasm and turnout. In the meantime, she is getting worked by the GOP on messaging and passing bills that have a less than 0% chance of being approved in the Senate. She needs to stop fiddling while Rome burns, grab a fucking bucket and get to bailing.
  11. I'd say Fuck Paul Ryan, but it is literally impossible. If you tried to do it with you on top, it would crush his unprotected spinal cord. If you tried it with him on top, he''d flop over like a rag doll. I guess he'll just have to do what he's been doing for the last 2 years, jerking it in the corner using his tears as lube.
  12. I have no idea wtf a central point of an era is, but get down with your bad self and your made up terminology.
  13. You need to work on your reading comprehension. Just because something is the last sentence in a post, it does not mean it is the central point of the post. Typically that is placed at the beginning, otherwise it is burying the lead. My central point, that you thoroughly missed, is that Kaepernick is justified in feeling that the flag of the original 13 colonies represents oppression to minorities. I hadn't considered it before Kaepernick pointed it out, but he is correct. At the same time we were writing that all men are created equal, we literally had some men owning other men as possessions and treating them like animals. Worse in many cases. The Declaration of Independence was written by property owning white males and everyone who was not a property owning white male may have been "created equal", but they certainly weren't treated that way. There is massive hypocrisy there and we still don't live up to that promise. It's laughable that you think any of this was "done away with over 150 years ago". I want the US to live up to those words and have a country where we really do treat all people equal. We aren't there yet and part of the process of getting there is people like Kaepernick pointing out the issues we need to discuss and resolve.
  14. Focus on the little things. I'm happy for Onboard that he used such a big word, rather than just saying I'm a big dummy pants.
  15. You just summed up every Anastasis post on this thread.
  16. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal*, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness**, †. * Does not apply to women, or black people, who shall be counted as 3/5 of a person, solely for purposes of apportioning Representatives, Presidential electors, and determining direct taxes. ** Offer does not apply to persons who don't own land, are poor, disabled, infirm, have a non-binary sexual orientation, atheists, agnostics, Muslims, babies once they have left the womb and/or brown people. † We reserve the right to revoke any or all portions of this offer at any time should the GOP attain at least a 5-4 majority on the Supreme Court.
  17. Unless every picture of them released so far is of factory seconds, this has to be a PR move they had no intention of actually making. The flag isn't even straight on the back and each one is inclined a different degree.
  18. Lulz, okay Professor CVS, keep up the good work. You can link the pdf for us when the editors fast track it through and publish it.
  19. She's spent so much time trying to find Trump's tiny mushroom dick that it's making her cross-eyed.
  20. Is there really that much of a difference between Pence and a guy that has been dead for 20 years? I mean, sure, the dead guy has better charisma and doesn't think about penises 24/7, but that's about it.
  21. Lulz, Washington was so dumb. Didn't want to be King and fought his barrels in person rather than drope striking his enemies from a base at the airport.
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