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Posts posted by AquariumDrinker

  1. 17 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

    The same people who claim Kavanaugh is a naked partisan and doesn't have the emotional control to be an SC judge drool over Garland.  Kavanaugh and Garland sided together on 93% of the cases their Appeals Court heard.  They disagreed on exactly one case.  So if Kavanaugh is overly partisan than one must conclude that Garland is also partisan.  If you do not consider Garland to be partisan then there is no logical way you can consider Kavanaugh to be partisan.  Any argument otherwise is unsound, invalid, and illogical.

    Except that Kavanaugh has a history of being a political operative before his more recent 12-year stint in the judiciary. Garland does not.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    What the fuck are you talking about?


    12 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Most white women happen to love their white husbands, fathers, brothers and sons.  Most of the modern left expresses outright hatred towards white males.

    So the majority of white women — who have good relationships with their white family members — largely get turned off by the left’s hate and derision.  The freak show cat ladies, man hating lesbians, etc don’t.  

    White women love husbands >>> "dems don't like white men!" >>> white women vote against dems!

    Nevermind the fact that plenty of democrats happen to be white.

    It's less about their relationship with males, as it is their their own perspective (through social circles, status and inherent bias) that shapes their voting habits. We're all similarly shaped by certain social forces. 

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Most white women happen to love their white husbands, fathers, brothers and sons.  Most of the modern left expresses outright hatred towards white males.

    So the majority of white women — who have good relationships with their white family members — largely get turned off by the left’s hate and derision.  The freak show cat ladies, man hating lesbians, etc don’t.  

    What a reductionist view of women you have. Do they lack agency? Can they not form their own opinions? 

    I'm a white man with a white wife, and if I told her I support Kavanaugh, she would tell me to go fuck myself. I would bet that most women form their own, independent opinions. But i would also bet that most are informed by their circumstance and social circles. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Bruh Man said:

    Why do we continue to absolve white women from this whole episode? 53% of them voted for the pig in office and today a white woman was the deciding vote to put the lying pig on the court for life. 

    "Come on, white woman, you know what it is. You was in on the heist, you just don't like your cut." -Dave Chappelle

    Not to absolve her, but I guess you missed the part where a white man (Manchin) made her vote null and void. This is less a gender issue (because majority of women are Dems) than a race issue (majority of white people are pubs). 

  5. 1 hour ago, Goofyboy said:



    That sounds nice and all, but how? The democrats don’t really give two shits about the poor. They shit on the coal miners for 8 years under Obama and Hillary ignored them. Look at democrat run states and cities - they are pretty fucked.
    So, what’s your plan? I’m a pretty die hard libertarian that would vote GOP when a libertarian was not in the race. I won’t be doing that anymore, but i can’t vote for very many democrats because of their platform and their history.



    Wow, what a disingenuous piece of shit you are. Because Obama and Hillary acknowledged that coal mining jobs were not sustainable, and damaging to the environment, they somehow didn't care about the poor? Well, why don't we look at how Trump's "clean coal" push is going:



    Trump made reviving the coal industry, and the declining communities that depend upon its jobs, a central tenet in his presidential campaign and has rolled back Obama-era environmental regulations to give the industry a boost.

    But the effort has had little impact on domestic demand for coal so far, with U.S. utilities still shutting coal-fired power plants and shifting to cheaper natural gas - moving toward a lower carbon future despite the direction the White House is plotting under Trump.

    Unreleased full-year coal employment data from the Mining Health and Safety Administration shows total U.S. coal mining jobs grew by 771 to 54,819 during Trump’s first year in office...


    Overall, the number of U.S. coal jobs is still lingering near historic lows at less than one-third the level in the mid-1980s, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data, as the industry loses market share to cheaper natural gas.

    Uh oh. 

    But at least Republican-held states aren't shitholes like those held by the Dems! Time to look at census data just to be sure - states with the greatest degree of poverty include Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana (stop me when I get to a Democratic state), Georgia, Oklahoma, Arizona, South Carolina, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and New Mexico (found one!).

    Well done. 

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