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Posts posted by BearCon

  1. 4 minutes ago, Newy25 said:

    Baylor struggles to win football games when people do not look the other way when they break the law. I mean rules. 

    Without being a lazy fuck, please provide me with concrete proof as to what Baylor / Briles did  that doesn’t already happen at every single major university. All of you faggots just read lazy media headlines and message board bull shit and not one of you actually has a shred of evidence that can show Baylor did anything worse than what’s historically happened at every single university. Fuck all of you hypocritical mother fuckers. This site has the mental accuity of a god damned gold fish. 

    • Fuck You 48
  2. 11 hours ago, Vertigo said:

    Texas fans give zero shits about Baylor, their run was a fart in the wind of college football. I think it netted them 1 1/2 B12 titles? Nobody is going to come watch that on Thanksgiving. 

    Most Big12 Titles By Team:

    Oklahoma - 11

    Texas - 3

    Baylor - 2


    We are right on yalls heels. 

    • Fuck You 1
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