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Posts posted by vickii305

  1. He's my son sir why you think this ?

    On 9/17/2018 at 10:02 AM, Hiphopopotamos said:

    Took a look at their roster - almost no kids from Minnesota playing for a small community/technical school in Minnesota.  A ton of Florida kids and even one from Texas.  They must have a hell of a recruiting budget.




  2. On 9/17/2018 at 5:22 AM, Lonestar88 said:

    Ah, the Florida 5. 

    Cecil Cherry is now at Grambling, Tim Irvin is at East Carolina, You just found Devo, and I have no idea where Gilbert Johnson is at now. At one point he was at something called Mars Hill University, but I don't think he's there anymore.

    Davante Davis is the only one who stuck, all the other guys not only failed to stick here, they also failed to stick at their second landing spots. 

    Sir their young men calm down God have their backs. 🙏

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