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Posts posted by JJxvi

  1. On 9/8/2021 at 10:25 AM, Cairn Horn88 said:

    So, why are they playing it in Denver?

    Probably to be able to split the gate so both schools can make money from a neutral site.  It was a home and home, but the Colorado trip to College Station was canceled. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, UncleBuck said:

    Someone refresh me: was everyone really angry at A&M when they left the Big 12? I remember a lot of shit talk, poking fun, but not a whole lot of "Wahhhhhh you selfish bastards!" Seems like some conveniently hard to disprove talking point that's been rolled out by the aggy media.

    It was mainly Baylor.  In hindsight, they were probably in the middle of planning what they were going to do in terms of stadium and all that at the time.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Texas Wahoo said:

    Yeah - I don't get it.

    Here are the current cross-over games:





    A&M-South Carolina

    Miss State-Kentucky

    Ole Miss-Vandy


    If Mizzou and Alabama/Auburn switch sides, three of those are kept, so the only ones you lose are:


    A&M-South Carolina

    Miss State-Kentucky

    Ole Miss-Vandy


    I can't imagine any of those are worth keeping, so the only question is whether the Mississippi schools and LSU need to play Alabama/Auburn.

    I would think the only potential issues with an East-West format (in terms of the annual matchups) are how the Mississippi and Alabama schools feel about parting ways.

  4. 1 hour ago, 83Horn said:

    "Fisher has lived this and thrived. He dominated both Florida and Miami while constructing a monster in Tallahassee and I can assure you he's looking at what he's already assembled in Aggieland and not worried in the slightest about playing the Sooners or Longhorns. Neither are his players. In fact, it's the opposite, as the Ags are counting the days until the Big 12 defectors arrive in the SEC."

    I may be remembering this wrong, but didn't Jimbo inherit a monster in Tallahassee that Bobby Bowden had spent decades building, then coasted on that success for a couple years, before auguring it into the ground before bolting for aggy?  Is that about right?

    Tom Herman had a better record in his four years at Texas than Bobby Bowden's last 4 years at FSU.  I'm guessing that if Sark wins a national Title in his 4th season at Texas like Fisher did at FSU, then it wont be Herman getting the credit for it.

  5. 28 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    I know it's a popular jape to mock the ags with this, but the 2011 team was 6-6 (4-5 vs. B12) in the regular season.  They weren't going to miraculously dominate the B12 and challenge for the national championship the next year.  The B12 was accustomed to offenses like theirs and the SEC was unprepared for it.

    A&M barely choked games away in 2011. If we had had the Heisman quarterback performance in 2011 that we had in 2012, we would have likely gone 11-1….and gotten snubbed for Alabama and LSU just like Oklahoma State did.

  6. There are additions to the SEC where pods make a lot of sense.  Oklahoma and Texas...I'm not sure that pods will end up being the best solution.

    Adding OU and Texas means that there are 6 teams in our region (A&M, Texas, Oklahoma, LSU, Arkansas, and Missouri) which are difficult to divide into pods.  Arkansas in particular should probably have and will likely want yearly games with Texas, A&M, Missouri, and LSU.  A&M will want to keep an annual game with LSU.  I presume that Texas and A&M and Texas and Oklahoma will be required games, etc.  

    Moving Alabama and Auburn to the East, Missouri to the West and eliminating cross division rivalry games is so simple, that I think the conservative SEC will do that rather than create a pod system.  Both divisions would be pretty balanced on paper. It would solve the SEC's current scheduling issues that necessitate cross division rivalries (which currently primarily have to do with getting Tennessee-Alabama and Auburn-Georgia, and Arkansas-Missouri on the schedule every year. 

    Two 8 team divisions wont get every team playing every other team every two years, or hosting every four years, but it would make the cross division games more common than they are now, assuming the schedule will definitely go to 9 games.  The negatives would probably mainly be related to splitting the Alabama and Mississippi schools from each other, but I have no idea how strongly those schools view those games.

  7. The SEC membership (including A&M, regardless of how "reluctant" we'll make it seem to the media) will likely unanimously vote based on one thing...how many extra dollars the deal extracts from Disney and/or Fox and adds them to their bottom line.

  8. 2 hours ago, miguelito said:

    re: the incorrect yellow line, no one has provided conclusive video evidence of the actual line to gain.  But according to the boxscore from yahoo:

    0:25 4th - TAMU 4th & 18, at TAMU 39

    Kellen Mond passed to Quartney Davis to the left for 20 yard gain


    4th and 18 from the 39 ... math .... line to gain should be the 43.

    I guess it checks out.

    The line got fucked up because of the interception.  Change of possession, review changing it back because Mond was down.  If you see highlights of the Mond interception you will see the yellow line on the 43 yard line.  On the next play after all of the review, there is an incomplete pass to the TE to the near sideline. The yellow line is now on the 41 and you can also see the first down stick of the near sideline and it is two yards closer to the line of scrimmage than the line.

  9. Whether you are on the line of scrimmage is not determined by feet (which is obvious considering how a three point stance works) but by your entire body and helmet.  They would be on the line of scrimmage as long as some part of their body/helmet is even with the center's waist.  So you could have 4 WR standing with feet in similar spots, but some could be on the line of scrimmage by leaning out more than the others, for example.  As mentioned above, if all 4 were on the line it would not be a foul, it just means that only the outermost one is an eligible receiver.

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  10. I imagine that any "media" who you want to suck up to and who also do pretty much no actual work at the game so that they would need to be in the press box pretty much would always get on the sideline just as a goodwill gesture.

    • Fuck You 1
  11. 11 minutes ago, Bill Lumbergh said:

    Hmm, registered 40 minutes ago and first post is to set us straight on falsely accused aggy using a set of pics shared from texags?  Wonder what your intentions are here? 

    My go-to source for unbiased info about this event isn't going to be random texags poster with some images he chose to share.

    Kragthorpe has said medical staff at Kyle Field checked him out after the incident.  That should be easy to verify if it did or did not happen.  If it did, these pictures are worth shit.

    You do know it would be easy to edit pictures like these or selectively choose ones to share that fit your desired narrative, right?

    You guys already aren't off to a great start with Jimbo claiming no knowledge of the incident despite video proving otherwise, and your ad office claiming to have no idea who Jimbo's credentialed relative is. 

    But you guys never lie, cheat, or steal, right? 

    Meh, I could give a shit if you believe the photos are edited or not.  They dont seem to be, and what the fuck would be edited when they just show the same fight that is already posted everywhere.  I'm fairly sure that Joe Blow on the internet isnt putting Hollywood alterations in a youtube video either.  The video was the main thing that showed something differentfrom stuff Ive seen elsewhere.  I saw it on my twitter feed, not Texags, but Im sure also posted by an Ag.

    I registered 40 minutes ago because this was my first post on this site.  I had many posts on the previous version.

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  12. I think maybe there are two different events happening after the game on the field.  Kragthorpe says that Dameyune Craig (A&M assistant coach) was at the center of whatever he was involved in that resulted in him getting hit in the pacemaker.


    “Dameyune Craig started the whole thing,” Kragthorpe said. “Just trash talking and yelling and screaming a bunch of crap.”

    The problem is that Dameyune Craig and Steve Kragthorpe himself are nowhere to be found that I can see in any of these pictures. So this deal involving Kevin Faulk seems to be a little bit of time after whatever happened to Krags.

    I believe the following video shows Dameyune Craig acting like an idiot.  With what looks like a decent sized dude in a red shirt following Craig and trying to get his dumb ass away from the LSU bench.  A&M TE Jace Sternberger gets in between Craig and an LSU coach in the video and moves the LSU coach back with his hands (not a punch, but it is an instance where an LSU coach gets moved back with a hand into the chest/shoulder). No idea if this is even Kragthorpe though.  There are basically not many other people are around.  This occurs at the lower right hand side of the video.


    Then later on there is a separate incident where Kevin Faulk goes after a guy in a red shirt and thats what we see all the pics of.



    IMO, the sequence of events is that our idiot coach (Craig) made fool out of himself talking trash and pissed off Kragthorpe, who maybe ended up thinking that something worse had happened to him than really happened because of his medical distress.  Then later on their idiot (Kevin Faulk) went out in to the crowd to hunt down "red shirt guy"  and a scuffle ensued.  It'd be a lot easier to figure out how this whole incident related to what Kragthorpe is saying happened with Craig if you could find Craig or Kragthorpe around.  All the pics are just of Faulk fighting with Cole Fisher.


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