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Posts posted by Cornfusion

  1. Quote

    I threw this little chart together for you, I'm sorry it's not particularly sexy.  Blue = Big 12, Red = Big 10.

    You were saying?

    What can I say?  The Big Ten is a tougher football conference than the Big XII.  I mean, look at Maryland. Nebraska has a tough time beating even them.  You guys know Maryland, right?...

    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 38
    • Rage+1 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Nebraska fan hiding behind kansas state’s skirt?  Have some self respect, man. 

    Says the guys who hope to ride Oklahoma's coattails into the SEC.  Do you think if it were an Oklahoma / Oklahoma State offer it would be a deal breaker to the SEC?...

    ...me neither.


    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 58
  3. Quote

    Well to be fair, Texas joined the confederacy earlier than Virginia, despite VA being the capital. So Virginia led like aggy, but demanded HQ like UT.

    You should have joined the Big Ten and not the SEC in that particular shooting war.

    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 10
  4. Quote

    Nebraska fans being pissed off still is really, really, really weird

    I think you are confusing being pissed with our feeling of validation that Nebraska did the right thing in shit canning the BIG 12 when we did.  In this game of Musical Chairs, we grabbed our seat years ago.  Good luck in getting a place to sit.

    • Haha 4
    • Fuck You 25
  5. Moos had a problem showing up to meetings and functions and there were concerns of him arriving safely to meetings and functions.  I think everybody can read between the lines here.

    The smart money is on Ed Stewart or Hank Bounds replacing him.  Bounds has done a great job lining up cash for the $155 million facilities drive.

    • Fuck You 2
  6. Quote

    Nebraska just shit all down their leg, all over the bed, all over the pillows, all over the carpet, probably even got on the curtains

    Nebraska just ran out of arms, especially after having to come back and play one more game than Arkansas.  We needed a one day rain delay so our shortstop could pitch in the middle innings.  The Cornhuskers competed hard and overachieved this year (picked to be sixth in conference) but winning two out of three from #1 just wasn't in the cards.

    Arkansas, on the other hand, didn't really hit worth shit during the whole regional.  Walks and wild pitches manufactured probably half or more of their runs.  It doesn't bode well for them going forward unless they wake up.

    • Fuck You 2
  7. Quote

    You guys fucked up royally, and your fanbase and administration would be much easier to tolerate if someone would just admit it.

    Yeah, yeah, the Big 12 was the best thing that ever happened to Nebraska and they're just too stupid to know how good they had it with the Big 12. 

    You sound like a jilted teenager.  Get over it finally.

    You can have the last word, I see no use in reliving failed relationships ad nauseum.

    • Fuck You 5
  8. Quote

    Are you really this fucking stupid or is this a bit?

    If Nebraska leaving for more money and more stability was "really this fucking stupid", then yeah, that's right. 

    There was a lot of talk from a lot of other teams in the Big 12 jumping ship at that time, if I recall from the Shaggy Bevo days.  You might want to go do some digging over there and refresh your memory.  Colorado and Nebraska took all the talk seriously and moved since they didn't want to end up like Rice and SMU being left behind when the Southwest Conference imploded.

    Get over it already.  If one team bails on you, shame on them.  If five teams bail on you, it might be a sign.  Like the demotivational poster says, "The only common denominator in all of your unhappy relationships is you."

    • Fuck You 5
  9. Quote

    Weird... I remember Nebby being the first little bitch who ran away crying, hoping to blow up the whole conference 

    Also weird.  I remember a lot of blustering about teams going to the Pac 10 and Nebraska worrying about being left behind like the SWC castoffs were before by their former conference mates were left.  By the way, why was it okay for everybody to walk away from Rice and SMU and go to greener pastures but wasn't  okay for Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri, and Texas A&M to leave?

    • Fuck You 5
  10. Quote

    If Nebraska was in the Big 12 today, the Big 12 would be making more than it currently is.

    Nebraska isn't a Sugar Daddy.  It shouldn't be held responsible for how much money anyone else does or doesn't get in their conference.


    • Fuck You 4
  11. Quote

    Nebraska never attempted to really fix anything once they saw a different option.

    Probably because Nebraska wasn't the one to break anything in the first place?


    , and the Big 10 was offering a boat load of money

    Uhmm, that's a valid reason to jump and not really a bad thing, right?

    • Fuck You 6
  12. Quote

    In this day of the internet, I am not sure if newsletters still exist, but I have $9.95 set aside for yours, just in case

    You go ahead and keep that $9.95 and donate it to the Big XII revenue sharing. Divide it between however many teams are in your conference now.  It won't bring you any closer to B1G money, but it's the thought that counts, right?

    • Fuck You 4
  13. Quote

    And there was definitely no way for them to advocate for what they wanted in the Big 12 so they HAD to leave.  The Big 12 would have never entertained the idea of say permanent cross division rivals, especially if Oklahoma and Nebraska both wanted it.

    Do you have a link of when that cross division was offered in an attempt to get Nebraska to stay?  Otherwise, you are just constructing nonsense in order to be angry about something.

    • Fuck You 5
  14. Quote

    Wait... do they, or do they not want to play Oklahoma?  I get so confused about what Nebraska wants from one day to the next. Whatever the case, I am certain that Texas is to blame.

    Nebraska fans DO want to see the Nebraska-Oklahoma game and not everything involves Texas.  I hope this clears up your cornfusion.

    • Fuck You 5
  15. Quote

    that and we buttfucked them on partial qualifiers.

    If you wanted to pursue this further and bury that urban legend for once and for all, go look at who was on the roster and from where they came during those championship years.  But it's just easier to think that it was players like Lawrence Phillips and not players like Rob Zatechka* that made ALL of the difference, right?  (By the way, do you even know who was the back up to Lawrence Phillips?...Ahman Green.  Not much of a drop off, huh?)

    *Actually, Dr. Zatechka...as in M.D.

    • Fuck You 4
  16. Quote

    Honestly this isn’t anything super new or uncharacteristic for Nebraska. Ozzy used to always load his schedule with scrubs and rely on beating Oklahoma. Historically Nebraska would play Iowa School of the Blind if they could. It wasn’t until BCS era when they started playing USC, Auburn, etc

    It is rumored that one thing that soured Osborne on the Big 12 was Oklahoma fleeing to the Big 12 South when Nebraska was dominant in the '90s.  He finally had teams to beat consistently beat OU and they could dodge that every other year.  He wanted to square up his W-L against the Sooners and this made it harder.

    You can discount this or not, doesn't matter to me.

    • Fuck You 5
  17. All is well.  There was nothing wrong with Bill Moos' thinking that 50,000 Nebraska fans with pitchforks and torches mobbing the Athletic Department couldn't quickly fix.  If Nebraska loses, so be it.  Osborne lost to Oklahoma six years in a row when he started coaching.  It forced him to get better.  It might do the same for Frost.

    • Fuck You 4
  18. Quote

    So if you got the shot and it was never even sore, are you the 5%?  My mom says she barely felt it and had no effects from either dose.

    That's not surprising.  A large percentage of people who had contracted COVID were asymptomatic, including 81% of those between the ages of 10-19.  It only follows that many will show no symptoms from the vaccine.

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