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Posts posted by Rockymtnhigh

  1. 1 minute ago, TornACL said:

    Maybe after another 25 years of working they'll finally deem you capable of actually being in charge of hiring, and then you can settle the score. 

    HA! I make 20k more a year now than my manager makes so no I dont need that headache of babysitting people...

    • Fuck You 5
  2. 8 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    It is one thing when your job hets outsourced to indians. It is quite another when it gets insourced to indian immigrants. Yes they will work for less but they will work more. 

    Oh Jesus not this super immigrant shit...They are just like us.  Some of them work their asses off.  Some of them spend half the day in the break room playing ping pong or take 2 hour lunches 3 days a week...  Some of them don't know shit...Some of them are brilliant.  Some of them cant work with other people and dont have open minds and some of them are great team players...

  3. 5 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    You seem to not know what skilled visa labor is or why companies here want it.

    You mow lawns, don't you?  It's okay - it's good, honest work.  But you might want to sit the rest of this conversation out.

    I know exactly what your so-called "skilled" Visa laborers are.. I've trained about 10 of them  that lied their asses off on their resume's at my current job.  

    • Fuck You 3
  4. 6 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    It wasn't cheap then, either.

    But what if it had been?  Are you suggesting that you'd have a problem with jobs going overseas to labor that's cheaper than our minimum wage?  So you're pro-union.  So you're a Democrat.  Right?

    My ass it wasn't  cheap then....I did have a problem with it back then yes...We graduate hundreds of thousands of IT students from colleges each year that could have been trained to do the same job and a lot of them were struggling to find jobs.

    As I said,  the Democrats and Republicans in Congress had no problem whatsoever signing the most recent immigration compromise with wording in it to expand the H1B Visa program... 

    • Fuck You 2
  5. Just now, TornACL said:

    Skilled visa labor isn't cheap. Perhaps they take a slightly lower salary, but there is an inherent cost to sponsorship. You have no idea what you are talking about. 

    Skilled Visa labor isnt cheap now...What do you know about 5 to 10 years ago when most of these people I work with were getting jobs and unemployment here in the US was not so good?  

    • Fuck You 2
  6. 22 minutes ago, ndawg said:

    Get good enough at your job that you don't have to be on a team of 20 people in web development and 18 of them are from India.

    So im to blame when the company I work for wants all the cheap labor they can get, and they don't mind using loopholes in our laws to get it?  That's pretty rich...

    • Fuck You 3
  7. 2 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    I am confused, do you want small government to get out of your way, or do you want big government to take care of you and protect you from competition? 

    I don't need the government to protect me from anything....I have a great paying job and tons of experience.  I get job offers all the time and have no reason to be afraid of competitiion.  I was replying directly to the people on here that say young people here in the US with Bachelor degrees are not getting calls for interviews for jobs...

    • Fuck You 3
  8. 8 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    How is competition so tough when unemployment is hovering around levels we haven't seen in 40 years? 

    Unemployment isnt bad now, but my company has been steadily hiring H1B visa holders for close to the last 10 years..As many as they could get, even when unemployment here was bad...

    • Fuck You 2
  9. 1 minute ago, ndawg said:

    Get good enough at your job that you don't have to be on a team of 20 people in web development and 18 of them are from India.

    That would be a good plan; except, when your Director sends a memo and says all new open positions are going to our office in India.  Im telling you these politicians and corporations are selling us out...If the younger generation wants to do something to improve their livelihood in this country, they need to start paying attention to this shit and the politicians that support this shit...

    • Fuck You 4
  10. 1 minute ago, ndawg said:

    Yeah this totally doesn't read to me like someone pretending to not be racist. Not. One. Bit. Noh-sir-eeeh.

    Whatever man.  Believe what you want to....I work on a team of 20 people in web development and 18 of them are from India...You want to know why the competition  is so tough for Bachelor degree holders to get jobs here in the US then you cant ignore these things..


    • Fuck You 3
  11. 1 hour ago, bolverk said:

    No shit.

    That's not the way it works anymore. Even I realize this and I ain't no spring chicken at the ripe old age of 47.

    If you are early in your career, the HR departments of corporate America will not call you in for an interview if you don't have at least a four-year degree, which is not the distinguishing characteristic it once was when now more than a third of all adults under the age of 45 years of age have a bachelor's degree.

    It doesn't make you that special in today's job market. I know it's not fair and, in many cases, is utter bullshit, but that is how it goes nowadays.

    My answer to that is seek out every politician that wants to expand and not decrease the H1B Visa program and don't vote for those bastards.  Pisses me off every time I see a new employee walk into our office for a good paying IT job and 90 % of the time they come straight from India.  I got nothing against Indians, but I think it is stupid to ignore they are taking a lot of jobs that home grown or naturalized Citizens here in the US could be trained for.

    I noticed when Congress signed this latest immigration compromise they didnt hesitate to put wording in it to expand the H1B visa program and none of them batted an eye about it.  They all rushed to vote yes on it...

    • Fuck You 10
  12. 5 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Speaking as a fellow old person, your generation has taken more “freebies” than millennials and Gen-Z ever will. You got the best deal of any generation in American history and gave them America in decline. Go ahead and beat your chest about only watching TV news that caters to your feelings, but you sound like a guy who has taken a lot from this country and resents the young for trying to get what you seem to have taken for granted.

    Im a gen Xer that grew up in the 80's and have been working and also furthering my education and training since I was 16 years old...What freebies have I taken from the government?  

    • Fuck You 2
  13. 18 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    Almost every single white-collar profession, literally, requires a four-year degree at a minimum to even be considered for a job - except maybe an occasional and/or exceptionally talented coder. Pink collar (like your wife) and lots of blue collar jobs, maybe not. 

    I hear this all the time, but every single good job I have worked  at, I started out at a lower skill job even with the degrees I have and I worked my way up and out of those jobs within just 2 to 3 years...There are a lot of companies that promote from within but you have to crawl sometimes before you walk...

  14. 32 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Oh, do tell......

    And that's just tuition -- not accounting for living expenses, etc., which of course require more money and work.  I quoted one piece -- there are dozens of analyses out there showing similar truths.

    Lots of people USED to work their way through school.  It was quite doable.  Under 200 hours of work covers your tuition, work some more to pay for your shitty shared apartment, and you could pull it off.

    Now, nearly 1000 hours of work to cover tuition.....and you haven't even worked to get money for your shitty shared apartment, and I guess you should find some time to actually attend classes and study.

    Fucking ZERO awareness from the entitled generation (and that generation ain't the young folks -- it's the jackholes who preach about how they worked their way through school when it took 20% of the modern necessary workload to do so -- that's fucking entitlement right there).

    If I was going to do it nowadays, I wouldn't fucking go to a college or university unless maybe I wanted to be a doctor or lawyer.  I see very few professions where a traditional 4 year degree gives you some kind of advantage in the workforce over somebody that just has certifications or went to a trade school.  I don't understand why kids today want to strap themselves with all that debt when their are other options.  For example, my wife recently graduated school as an Xray tech and then went on to get her Manmo certification and MRI certification just in the past 3.5 years.  About 2.5 years of it was spent in school...Total cost was about 12,000 dollars for school.  She waited on a list 5 years to get into this school.  The school placed her at a hospital in basically what was an internship and now she has a job at that hospital making 35 dollars an hour starting out.  That's a pretty freaking good return on a 12,000 dollar investment...

  15. 2 hours ago, Bama Chick said:


    You’ve been brainwashed.

    You sound like my dad and every scared old white man I know.


    You jumped to your conclusion and shut yourself down to any argument.

    I could post hundreds of true factual new stories from multiple outlets that “make Republicans look bad” and you’d shout them down regardless of the facts because as you’ve stated repeatedly your only concern is how they “make republicans look” and how that makes you feel.

    You aren’t concerned about facts.

    You don’t want anything to permeate your bubble and make you question your truth.

    You need deprogramming.


    Brainwashed?  Shit!  Maybe some of us so called old people that arent that old yet have seen this country change for the worse and don't  like it....My generation would never let the government take away our rights for a few freebies...This new generation seems to be begging the government to do just that....You could learn a lot from history...

    • Fuck You 13
  16. 6 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:



    Oh the irony of that last sentence coming from a Fox News watcher.

    The news isn’t about your opinions and making you feel good about them.

    If the truth about Donald Trump makes your blood boil then you should be angry at Trump not the organization reporting the truth.

    You have been conditioned by the information you consume.



    You prove my point.  Im supposed to believe what they are reporting when I know, you know, everbody knows they have an agenda?  That agenda is to make Republicans and their points of view  look bad...I'm a Republican.  If you believe everything they say is true and it doesn't bother you, then great, you've found a home to get your news from...Im not saying Fox doesnt have their agenda as well...I'm saying their arent many sources of news out their that aren't censored or targetted in some way.  If I'm not in the target group for a certain news outlet with a hardcore agenda, why would I want to watch it?

    • Fuck You 8
  17. 55 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    The same reason liberals should watch Fox and read WSJ editorial page and NRO. The same reason Americans should listen to BBC and the Economist. The same reason citizens in open societies should avail themselves of primary sources to supplement journalism. Perspective is a shield that protects us from being blinded and gulled. 

    You have to pay taxes and die, but you don't have to be a sucker. 


    If their was a news station out there that had more centrist Democrats and Republicans that I could hear both their points of views and arguments, and they werent censored by the people they work for, that would be right up my alley....I just don't see the point of watching say CNN as a Republican when all it does is make my blood boil...I mean they have an agenda to target a specific group of people and their entire slant is for that group, and I am not in that group of people they are targetting....

    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 2
  18. 2 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Triangulating information instead of getting it from one source.  I can read NYT, WaPo, BBC, Vice, Reuters, crazy blogger, BuzzFeed News etc., and you can suss out the truth based on your brains natural filtering process.  You can go all award-winning journalists if you like skins on the wall.  You can go people that have history of nailing things correctly over the last half century.


    Or you can go to one source, which literally everyone knows carries water for one thing, and uncritically listen to them.

    Well some of these news outlets don't  have the best track record as of late....I don't really want to fill my head with a bunch of crap that gets proven wrong over and over...If I want other news, I usually read NPR....

  19. 11 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    This is just about every conservative I know.  None of them will admit to watching Fox News, yet they're all reading from the same script somehow.


    Why would a conservative Republican watch any other news, honest question?  About 80% of the newscasters are liberals on other stations.  Make the media less biased and Republicans would watch other programs...I dont need to turn on CNN and hear a bunch of shit about how bad Republicans are.  I dont live my life how they generalize all Republicans live their lives so to me it is just a bunch of BS..

    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 18
  20. 15 hours ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    The proposal is to take away as many guns as possible for two years.  And I don't see what sharp / blunt objects and vehicles have to do with gun violence rates.

    Can you read?

    The problem is you take away the rights of law abiding Citizens to punish criminals.  It doesnt work, you just punish the law abiding citizens while the criminals will still commit viokent crimes with whatever weapon they can get....  You want real gun control?  How about start with reporting everyone to the Feds that tries to purchase a gun but fails the background check whether they be in this country legally or illegally?   The Dems will never go for that though because we can't  have people illegally in the country on a list of any sort...They already proved it with the gun legislation they are trying to pass now...

  21. 1 hour ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    Yeah, like Donald Trump, Jr. admitting to holding a meeting with the Russians whose purpose was to disclose dirt on Hillary after first lying about its purpose. 

    The Clinton Campaign paid Christopher Steele to dig up dirt on Trump.  Was Hillary trying to collude with the British to rig our election by hiring a former British Intelligence Officer to investigate Trump?

    • Fuck You 11
  22. 8 hours ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Tell you what... let's confiscate as many guns as possible for two years and see what happens to the gun violence rate.  If it goes down, you never get your guns back.  If it goes up you can have all the guns you want, no background checks, unlimited ammo, blah blah blah.

    You willing to take that bet?

    Are you going to start with the criminals or just take away the rights of the law abiding citizens first because that is easiest for you?  Are you going to take all sharp and blunt objects too?   You going to take driving privileges as well?  Those little missiles kill a boatload of people every year...If somebody wants to harm another person, you think confiscating all their guns will stop them?  

    • Like 2
  23. 15 hours ago, tantric superman said:

    I think people need to make a point of noticing when any Republican does even small things that show some indication that they aren't an invertebrate.  Will Hurd speaking out about a more intelligent approach to the border is one.  I don't have a problem with him not calling Trump an idiot.  I think it would be fun if he did, but I'm fine with Republicans erring on the side of civility as long as they err on the site of actual intelligent policy.  

    I wouldn't  trust any politician to know what is going on with our Southern border or even how to fix it....They should really start listening to people like the border patrol ...They have pretty much ignored the issues with the border for decades for political reasons.  Both sides of the aisle...They only take action in the rural areas of the Southern border when the issue gets so bad that one of the little border towns becomes like a third world country due to the crime wave, and it starts hitting the national news.  It takes years sometimes of people begging the government to do something about it before they will react...

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