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Posts posted by Awlready

  1. 6 hours ago, Napoleon said:

    Big Ben, who used to pay an off duty cop to prevent people from interrupting him while Ben raped drunk girls at bars and who was moaning about retirement a season or two recently before getting a coach fired and signing an extension is a total self-centered piece of shit. 

    And yet the Steelers owner deemed the self-centered entitled rapist “the father of the team with 52 children”...

    Somehow I’m not seeing the best WR in the NFL , who was going into an off-season with zero guaranteed money, as the problem with that franchise. 

    Now the best WR in the NFL has a little more than $30 million guaranteed on a 3 year/ $50 million contract and his new team only gave up 3rd & 5th round picks after they picked up a 1st round pick for trading a significantly lower quality WR for this same draft. 

    Antonio Brown is the fucking MAN!!

    And he helped the Raiders in the draft as well as he will on the field. 

    Mad props for making feeble fans eat shit while he is #winning. The Steelers are playing checkers and Antonio is playing chess. 

    Well said. These clowns have fake morals, as they dick ride the rapist, but hate on AB. Welcome to ***** America.

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  2. 36 minutes ago, Mileslong said:

    So you’re a coward if you pass on flying somewhere to box a disabled guy? Got it, now seriously go take your meds, you’re embarrassing yourself

    Your bitch-ass embarrassed yourself long ago, "likes" guy. Your hypocrisy is next level fuckery. 

    • Fuck You 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, Mileslong said:

    Lmao, what the fuck are you a babbling about? You want to put me on a video? What kind of video?

    Me and you sparring before the game starts. Just a friendly lil something in gloves. I'm sure your "likers" would be entertained, since "likes" are so important to you. You with it loser?

    • Fuck You 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, Mileslong said:

    You sure post like a tough guy for someone who is supposedly disabled

    Wow, attending a couple of games a year, they should name the stadium after you.

    You have no idea what my disabilities are...none would stop me for putting you on that video. Do you want to make it happen or not? I don't drink, but I'll buy you a drink. Let's make it happen. LSU game good for you? There will be several people you have cheered for over the years, on the video too. You in?

  5. 10 hours ago, hundredTT said:

    If Kaep died I'd literally grab a beer and laugh at that fucktard faker. And I am a niner fan.

    Says the white man with the white sheet over his head, so no one knows who he is, while he talks tough and brave online. Of course a devil like you would celebrate something like that. No shock there, david duke. I wonder how recruits would feel about devilish Texas fans like you. Maybe I should put this on twitter and find out. 

    • Fuck You 3
  6. 11 hours ago, Mileslong said:

    Wasn’t bragging you fucking retard, I’ve been listing in these boards since 1999, I mentioned it because you or someone mentioned my opinion was unpopular. Now go back to lurking

    You mentioned it to another poster, because you're a bitch, that gets off on message board likes. You're a loser. I attend several games every year...we can have this conversation face to face when Texas plays LSU. I post videos from games all the time, and I'll post that one for everyone on this board to see. Let's get together and see how it goes.

  7. 1 hour ago, Jkwellborn said:

    Whose sock are you? You have like 5 posts and they’re all here.

    I swear some of y'all need a sniff of pussy. "Oh no, he's doing something outside of the message board norm, he's gotta be a sock." Just kidding fella. I've been reading this board for many years (Shaggy). Just never participated in the watered down squabbles.

    • Fuck You 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, Mileslong said:

    You’re either a drunk or a drug addict, no one is as stupid as you sober that isn’t locked up. So sing your sad song in the cloakroom where you will find plenty of others who hate America

    More clown shit, from dumb dumb. Your IQ continues to shine. It's dim, but it's there. Now I hate America, because I don't like dirty cops and those that mask racism with patriotism. Great rebuttal, after I clowned you about Kaps psychic abilities you spoke of. 🖕🏾 




    • Fuck You 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Mileslong said:

    Fuck you on how you feel, so now we are on the same page. You’re the bigot, not me. I don’t like cops and despise their brutality, but you’re being obtuse if you think this is kaps only motive

    Lol, you're a lame. I'm sure Kap knew racist owners would collude against him, when he first sat on the bench during the national anthem. I'm sure this was the end game he thought of. You're not being purposely obtuse, you really are stuck on stupid. I'm also sure he knew Nate Boyer would tell him to kneel instead of sitting, which would really send the fake patriots into an uproar. Oh the motive. You're a clown.

    • Fuck You 1
  10. 11 hours ago, Mileslong said:

    Exactly kkk to anyone who doesn’t like Kap, that means they endorse police brutality. I don’t particularly like police and despise police brutality. But it’s bullshit to talk about how shorty this country is because there are some bad cops. They aren’t on the federal payroll and the us government doesn’t endorse it. Why not take it up on a local level like the city of Chicago? Police brutality is about number 10 on Kap’s priority list. He is an attention whore, nothing more

    Either you're being intentionally obtuse or you're stuck on stupid. I never implied, what you inferred. But if my thoughts offend you, then the hit dog hollered. You can't tell me what shortcomings I can complain about in this country. I fought for that very right, so fuck how you feel. It's not simply a state issue, it's also a federal issue. It's an American issue. That bitch in the whites house, along with many before him on ALL levels, damn sure don't hold kkkrookkked kkkops accountable...dirty cops are an extension of America. You think Kap is an attention whore, and I think you're an attention whore. Now what?

  11. On 2/15/2019 at 8:09 PM, Mileslong said:

    What was this millionaire protesting, please enlighten us

    Police brutality and the kkkrooked kkkriminal justice system. But hey I get it, you're not affected so you think it's a facade or simply don't care, because you're not affected. I'm a disabled veteran and I love it. The opinion of those not impacted really doesn't mean anything to me. I know what it is. So !@#$ those that oppose, and continue to mask racism with fake patriotism. Fuck the anthem too. How many white people would stand for a song that talked about killing them in the 3rd stanza. Fuck a symbol that degrades me. I love people, not symbols. Whitesplaining doesn't move me.

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