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fuck johnny sack

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Posts posted by fuck johnny sack

  1. Gay marriage became legal under Obama. Trans rights too.

    Trump is reversing all that all over America. 

    You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

    I fucking hate you you neo nazi piece of shit .

    Your brain is UGLY.

    • Fuck You 1
  2. 1 hour ago, burntorangebongos said:

    Man, every MFing cabinet member is a fucking corrupt shitbag....and now in Rick Perry news.


    Nukes to MOOSLOOOMS!

    Russia is very legal & very cool!

    Kim Jung whatever is a great guy, what's not to like!


    No wonder Barbara Bush quit the party.

    Traitors! Money grubbing shit heel TRAITORS!

  3. 1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    To get fiscally sound, it will require cutting everything.  And raising taxes on everyone.  Sorry you believe in the fairy tale from your party that the national debt can be paid by just taxing the rich.  And at the same time giving away a bunch of free shit.  

    And the Scandinavian model you lefties jerk off to — everyone pays high taxes.  Not just the rich like here in the USA.  

    Yes. Let's kill the poor and disabled cuz "sorry". 

    You fucking Nazi!

    • Like 1
  4. Trump threw Betsy right under the bus.

    The look on her face was shell shock .

    She was staring at her assistant to see if her assistant was reacting to the questions and her assistant was desperately suppressing a grin.

    My gawd the fit Betsy musta thrown in her office.

    Trump has zero loyalty, zero empathy, zero accountability, zero balls.

    He's 1000% American SCUM.

    He burns everybody. 

    Barr will find this out when he's villified and his credibility is pancaked.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    I have a personal triggers, being called a traitor is one of them especially by people who would vote for a person who was part of the Clinton Mafia.  They sold the country to win the elections for her husband. Yeah yeah yeah that was yesterday....  

    You're a traitor bitch lover of the Russian Mafia. You unamerican pipebomber!

    Hillary was a goddess compared to that shameful pedophile-enabling Trump racist .

    You just hate women you seditious incel.

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  6. 12 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Russia has attacked our last 25 elections.  The collusion hoax was brought by butthurt losers.  

    You're a traitor racist bitch hypocrite slumlord pile of scum.

    Trump is guilty -- he's saved by cover ups and fixit lawyers like a Mafia boss.

    You're a mafia ball licking bitch.

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