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Posts posted by SKJ

  1. 3 minutes ago, closetohumping said:

    social sciences.   It’s been rough watching him grow up in nyc from California 

    Ouch. That's tough as fuck.  I don't know if I could do it. 

  2. 3 hours ago, closetohumping said:

    17 year old gonna be graduating from Brooklyn tech.  Wow time has flown by. My 9 year old will be a teen 🔜 

    That's amazing.  What program did he take?


    Yeah,  my daughter is 12 (nope... not ever) going on 22. She's gonna be the one that destroys the earth... 

  3. 2 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    If I could do it all over again, I think I might would go this route. 



    Me too,  for real.  Fucking college was not the value it was sold as. 

    He's going to have the world on a string.  He gets to travel for the company for schools,  including to Europe.  

    They also pay double and triple flag time when he hits the line as a tech.  Serious money there. 

    The shop is clean and pristine,  and when he becomes a master tech,  he'll be making easily over 100k... 

    The matter techs at the shop can make in the neighborhood of 200k

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. He got a huge set with a huge discount from the tech school. 

    They're are quite a few specialized tools that the company provides,  and he will also add on to his set as he goes. 

  5. 15 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    Astute observation.  Conspiracy theories aside, I'm starting to wonder if they haven't gamed this out already.  What is the best way to defeat him or cause him to die that will cause the smallest outburst/backlash from his minions.  He can't do jail time because he can still correspond with the outside party through surrogates.  He can't be killed because it will be seen as a deep state operation or foreign invasion and cause panic.  He can be convicted of 1 or more charges and not do time but that risks him being re-elected.  He can be so overwhelmingly convicted that he loses legit, but that causes an uproar among his base that will make january 6th look like a picnic.  He can die of natural causes due to the stress, but 25mm Americans won't believe it and may lash out violently.  He'll never commit suicide.  You can't have him live in exile and fuck with our government by proxy from overseas.  

    How do you stick this landing?  There has to be a way.  An accident on live television is about the only way to thread the needle.  It will implicate the Secret Service but it's the smallest fallout.  But we're open to other suggestions.  

    Call their bluff. 


  6. 7 hours ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    I like butter on my biscuits. 

    Anyway, this is hilarious.  I really enjoy the baroque, byzantine beefs that are part and parcel of current conservative politics and commentary. It’s this whole world of kayfabe and alternate cinematic universe.

    What is kayfabe?

  7. 7 hours ago, TexasHooch said:


    Woah. Ted Cruz’s Super PAC just reported receiving $214,752.98 from iHeartMedia in February in a new FEC filing.

    iHeartMedia is a registered lobbyist—they also host and market his podcast.Image
    Also—after filming his podcast in an iHeart studio for years, he mysteriously stopped filming them a month ago.

    The same month his PAC gets a couple hundred thousand dollars from them?Image
    The Senate ethics rules prohibit senators from “knowingly accepting a gift from a registered lobbyist” or from collecting honorarium for an “appearance, speech, or article.”

    iHeartMedia has spent $915,000 lobbying Congress last quarter.Image

    Yeah,  I think the news here is that there is a viable program that this guy,  and his horrid, terrible voice and personality,  host

  8. 11 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    Do the birds get the cancer from like the windmill itself, the mechanism, by touching it/perching on it when it's idle?  Or is a secondary cancer from the wind that blows from the turbine (like second-hand smoke causes cancer)?  Or is from some sort of 'energy field' that is toxic that emanates from the turbine's vicinity?  Look, I know birds.  I have the best birds.  

    I vote for the energy fields...

    It's like the 5g problem... they're creating more and more energy fields...

    5g doesn't cause the cancer,  though,  just the covids.


    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    she'll bark you to death



    You would think... but she's actually really,  really chill and quiet, unless there's someone ar the door or in the house... even then she's not that bad

  10. 5 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

    Which further leads me to believe he’s ok with them serving their 10, and down ballot voting D until the next time they reoffend.   

    Inconvenient that prison demographics pretty solidly align with D voters. But the demo is the demo.  

    This is a pretty weird thought... especially to think that rapists are a bloc... I don't know,  I'm fairly certain that rapists don't vote as one,  and would also think that there's probably an inordinate amount of rapists in the maga tent... and


    Thinking about crime as a whole,  and the demographics of prisons... I'm also pretty sure they don't match the democratic party. 


    But you do you... considering the fact that you think rapists are irredeemable,  but will probably vote for one come November (along with the rest of the maga contingent)

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