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Posts posted by Billyraychubbs

  1. 8 minutes ago, Fondren & Main said:

    Keontay Ingram is a pretty good player and he’s the starter.  I’ve also learned to not count out Golden Triangle kids.  If RJ averages 3 yards per carry that should be enough.  He doesn’t need to be Jamaal Charles.  My God you are stupid.

    I’m stupid because you think a 3rd string qb and a backup linebacker as RB against a top 10 defense is no big deal. My lawd you be dumb as fuck baw 

    • Fuck You 7
  2. 10 minutes ago, F250 said:

    He does make more than me but that is because LSU was rejected by Herman. Still, I am pretty confident I pay more in taxes than you make collecting nutria bounties in the bayou.

    Well, I didn't major in gumbo at a directional school in Lousiana nor did I ever learn how to count to potato so you got me there.

    My brother-in-law is hotter than his wife.

    Dude would be too distracted to fight after I placed a shiny object in front of him.

    You must haven’t looked into the nutria pelt market. It booming baw 

    Its also good to know you think your brother in law is hot. Must be an Aggy alter 



    • Fuck You 4
  3. 2 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

    What a poor. 

    2 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    Damn. You are so tough and alpha. I am supremely confident you are not an overweight middle aged man who measures the time between getting laid in months years. One day I hope to be like you.

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk


    • Fuck You 3
  4. 5 minutes ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    You speak of this as if that is the entirety of the coach. Herman is playing 4D chess with your guy playing tic-tac-toe. This isn't gonna be some bullshit ass single score affair.

    The question you need to ask yourself is if your guys can legitimately hang with the athleticism Texas brings to the table? Can your defensive coaches adjust to a team deploying talent capable of taking it to the house or making any play necessary to advance the game.

    You saw what CJ did on the sideline. You saw the fucking space window Ehlinger fit that ts pass into. You saw the OLine keeping their qb clean for 5, 6 seconds and letting plays develop. 

    Is Aranda capable of make inferences adjustments?  I would say so. 

    Your line won’t give elinger 5-6 secs all night. He will be under considerable pressure and will be forced out of the pocket. He will make plays early and often but I think as Aranda adjust our defense we begin to suffocate y’alls offense. That’s just my opinion man

    • Fuck You 4
  5. 2 minutes ago, Ghost of Shag said:

    Finally going through with the sex-change, huh?  

    Again, you came looking for us.  Nobody gives enough of a shit about your pathetic state to do the same.  

    No sex change. Dick reduction surgery. Back at my what it used to be

    • Fuck You 3
  6. 1 minute ago, Ghost of Shag said:

    Billy Ray.  

    You have spent a good portion of your Tuesday morning creating a username for another team's message board.  

    We don't give two shits about you.  We don't give two shits about your football program.  We don't give two shits about your life.

    But you have exhibited that you give two shits about us.  Otherwise you wouldn't be here. 

    How pathetic is your existence?

    Then again, you're from Louisiana.  It's the worst state in the nation, outside Oklahoma.  Gotta find something to do.

    Other than your sister's vag.  


    You care enough to post about me. 

    Your right I have nothing else to do. Waiting to go into surgery and I thought to myself. I may die today, may as well troll a bunch of Texas fags before I go out. 

    • Fuck You 4
  7. 7 minutes ago, Thiefery said:

    So what's gonna hurt most..losing to an inferior conference school? or losing to a backup QB playing RB and freshman LB playing RB?

    The score board is what's gonna hurt. After we beat y'all's ass I figure y'all can sit around and post about beating Georgia last year. 

    • Fuck You 3
  8. 2 minutes ago, Fondren & Main said:

    I’d be concerned about the tailback situation if Strong were still the coach, but our current coach has shown the ability to learn and adapt.  I also think he’s a lot more intelligent and a better coach by miles than Oeaux.  I expect a close hard fought grind by our team which ends in victory.  But, that’s why they play the game, so I guess we’ll see.

    You have a 3rd sting qb and a linebacker at running back and all is fine because of Herman?


    I guess he can turn your towel boy into Tom Brady while he is at it

    • Fuck You 4
  9. 6 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    $100 says you won’t post here after the game. You’ll be crying into your trailer yelling at your mom to turn off the picture box. Maybe your daddy uncle will take you squirrel hunting the next morning to get your mind off the ass beating, and you can convince yourself you still can win the SEC because it wasn’t a conference loss. Then you can make eyes at your cousin while eating nutria. Now fuck right off. 

    100 bucks says after we mutilate Texas you resort to some cave and have vigorous butt sex while some illegal Mexican midget wearing ass less chaps Spurs you. No fuck off baw

    • Fuck You 6
  10. 6 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    The idea that fucking Ed O can out coach anyone is hilarious. Yawyawyawyaw 

    So if we win will you admit O out coached Herman?  I will take a coach with a coonass accent over one who has a spit swapping make out match with his players every day. 

    Y'all better  hope Herman doesn't get mono cause if he does y'all want have a team

    • Fuck You 5
  11. 8 minutes ago, bigcigar said:

    I think you missed my point. I’m calling you and your brethren idiots. I could not care less about message board format. I avoid other boards because you’re a fucking moran.

    Moran (Irish: Ó Móráin) is a modern Irish surname and derived from membership of a medieval dynastic sept. 


    im English so fuck you

    • Fuck You 6
  12. First things first. This message board format sucks ass. Tigerdroppings is way better. 


    Second thing is, all you Austin's soy boys better get a safe space ready. It's gonna get ugly fast. Say what you want about us being overconfident and over rated. Just know this.  We gonna use y'all hipster suspenders as grips and your soy boys tears for lube as we rape you bitches. 

    21 hours ago, bigcigar said:



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