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Posts posted by TexLonghorn

  1. Prong thinks that if you shotgun a dog to death, it ends up looking like it's a precious sleeping pup, y'know, like those adorable Pound Puppies from the 80s - probably all slaughtered by repug maga governors. 

  2. "And, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client has never even met the plaintiff.  Well, maybe once or twice, I don't know, people say there are pictures.  Look, he meets a lot of people, ok? He's very popular and when you're popular everyone wants to meet you and get a picture and the flashes go off and it's like flash, pop, pop pop pop.  Like popcorn, right? All the popping and then you eat it and it's like you aren't eating anything at all, but it tastes so good.  So good.  But not the bailiff.  The bailiff, look, the bailiff, ahhhhhhh.   And the plaintiff.  Some very good people are saying that she isn't the plaintiff, but she is, and she isn't, she isn't even the defendant's type, and he never met her before.  Thank you."

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  3. Biden in Dallas, March 20:


    But, look, I know everyone is not feeling the enthusiasm.  Just the other day a defeated-looking man came up to me and said, “Mr. President, I have crushing debt, and I’m completely wiped out.”  And I had to look at him and say, “Donald, I’m sorry.  I can’t help you.”  I thought about it, but I just couldn’t do it.

    "Dark Brandon" meme transforms from internet humor to political strategy, aiding Biden's campaign fundraising and energizing supporters.(Twitter)

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